
Strange Searches - Just Plain Weird

Another search term used to (inexplicably) bring a reader to my Weblog. No thanks, I am really  not interested:

Homosexuality, Christians and Sharia

Buona sera. Bible-believing Christians (as opposed to "liberal" make-your-own-god theology that gives a vague nod to Jesus, but backs away from actual Bible teaching if it goes against their opinions, Exodus 20.3) know that homosexuality goes against God's grain (1 Cor. 6.9, Rom. 1.26-28). Sorry, but that's what God says, I don't make the rules. Homosexuality is becoming more acceptable, probably because it is becoming more and more politically correct, despite the fact that most Americans believe that marriage is between a man and a woman . Yet, the Gaystapo is gaining momentum and is becoming increasingly aggressive (I pointed out some examples here and also here, where a man cannot even voice his personal opinion on the subject ). Because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is a sinful act, not a natural condition, we are called "homophobes" (a nonsense word) and "haters". No, we don't

Video - Basement Cat for Halloween

Buon giorno. Although I've been making some videos, I still feel strange calling them "videos". They are modified slide shows, sometimes with scrolling text. Still, it's technically a video... Oh, well.

Still More Changed Lives

One of the strongest evidences that Christianity is true, that God is real and that Jesus is indeed alive is the fact that God changes lives. He changes the hardest of hearts, and he knows what it's like to hurt. God does not care about your religion, your "spirituality", your intellect, your preconceptions, your opinions or anything else. If you put aside your pride and come to him on his terms, you can be forgiven and have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Here are three stories of hard-hearted atheists that came back to Christ. Psychology professor Rich Suplita used to sit in the University of Georgia's Tate Plaza holding a handmade sign that read "Ask an atheist" any time a preacher came to campus to share the gospel. As the faculty sponsor of the school's atheist club, he was adept at explaining how to tackle the issues of life without God. "Essentially what I was trying to do was offer an atheistic apologetic of how you can e

The Danger of Militant Atheists

Buon giorno. I have been challenged when I point out that militant atheists are a threat to Christians. Not only do they continually seek to take away our rights, but have shown a penchant toward violence. (I am including a failed actor who became a failed massage therapist that demanded to know my name and location, and another hateful atheist told him what he thought was the truth — the same one who told me to commit suicide. And the guy in school who raved that he wanted all Christians to be burned at the stake. And...) They hate God (who only exists in their minds when they want to hate him), and they hate Christians. A few even pretend that they care about us, and want to "help" us away from our faith. A man with that attitude is a lousy excuse for a man! Atheism was the driving force behind Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and other mass-murdering totalitarians. "But Cowboy Bob! Atheism is currently defined as a lack of belief in gods. This had nothing to do

The Company You Keep

Buona sera. I am not a fan of "Guilt by Association" ("Islam is a religion. Some Muslims attacked us on 9/11 in the name of their God and their religion. Therefore religion is bad. Christianity is a religion. Therefore Christianity is bad." [ 1 ] ) It's a cheap way to avoid intelligent discussion. When bad associations accumulate, however, it should be a bit of a warning that something is seriously amiss. The rising tide of australopithecines that are doing the "Occupy Wall Street"-type fiascoes across the United States and in some other countries (I heard someone say it actually originated in Greece) are acting in a most appalling manner. Riots , clashes with the police, public defecation (including on police cars ), rape , antisemitism and other good times make this the happenin' place to be, Baby! Can you believe that some people think this is another version of the "Tea Party" movement? Ridiculous!    But what for? Their alleged

Global Warming Rebellion is Growing

Just like evolution, Global Warming/Climate Change is supposed to be a "given", accepted at face value as unified, indisputable fact because "scientists say so". Fortunately for rational thinkers, the political and pseudo-religious agenda of Global Warming is being exposed. Some scientists have the courage to stand up and be counted, that this is a load of hooey. And the ranks are growing. More than 1,000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore. This new 2010 321-page Climate Depot Special Report -- updated from the 2007 groundbreaking U.S. Senate Report of over 400 scientists who voiced skepticism about the so-called global warming “consensus” -- features the skeptical voices of over 1,000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scient

Global Warming as a Cult

Adherents of Global Warming/Global Climate Change tend to be irrational. That's right, I said it! They protect their viewpoints through intimidation, bullying, legislation, suppress contrary evidence, beg for money. (In fact, they use the same tactics as evolutionists — not surprising, because the political agenda of Global Warming activists is often similar to the "science" of evolutionism.) Religious faith is a source of strength in many people's lives. But religious faith when taken too far can prove ludicrous -- or disastrous. On Oct. 22, 1844, thousand of Millerites, having sold all their possessions, climbed to the top of hills in Upstate New York to await the return of Jesus and the end of the world. They suffered "the great disappointment" when it didn't happen. In 1212, or so the legends go, thousands of Children's Crusaders set off from France and Germany expecting the sea to part so they could march peaceably and convert Muslim

Ella? I'm Not Past That!

Buona sera. This hurts me more than it hurts you. Literally. Typing is painful right now, and I'm stopping frequently during typing. I had several things in mind to organize and begin writing over the weekend, but something stopped me: Pasteurella . Basement Cat got a little too excited the other night during our roughhousing, and she gave me a bite. Well, those almost-hypodermic syringe teeth got into two veins on the top of my hand. I rubbed alcohol lotion on it and went about my business. I awakened at 02.00 in pain, and frankly, quite alarmed. There are infections that people can get from cats, and my tetanus shot was out of date. The next morning, I went to the local urgent care facility (less expensive and less busy than a hospital emergency room, but not open 24/7). The medic told me that I had a pasteurella infection. Eighty percent of cat bites are likely to get infected, and mine was a deep one. Since I am not able to take penicillin, the preferred treat

Celebrating the Release of Murderers and Thugs

The painful debate about Israel’s decision to trade 1,000 imprisoned Palestinian terrorists for kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit ​ continues this week with the families of terror victims attempting to sue the government to prevent the swap. Though the vast majority of Israelis support the trade and Prime Minister Netanyahu’s willingness to pay the ransom for Shalit, the impending release of so many murderers is nothing to celebrate. That is, unless you are a Palestinian. Read the rest of " Will the World Ask Why Palestinians Celebrate Murder?" here.

Physics Professor Says Global Warming is Pseudoscientific Fraud

Professor Harold Lewis boldly states that Global Warming is pseudoscience. The greatest pseudoscientific fraud. (I disagree, it is second to the pseudoscience of evolutionism.) Harold Lewis is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Here is his letter of resignation to Curtis G. Callan Jr, Princeton University, President of the American Physical Society. Anthony Watts describes it thus: This is an important moment in science history. I would describe it as a letter on the scale of Martin Luther, nailing his 95 theses to the Wittenburg church door. It is worthy of repeating this letter in entirety on every blog that discusses science. It's so utterly damning that I'm going to run it in full without further comment. (H/T GWPF, Richard Brearley). You can read the rest of  "US physics professor: 'Global warming is the greatest and most successful pseudoscientific fraud I have seen in my long life'" here .

Strange Searches: Ugly Atheists

Buon giorno. I had better restate that I know full well that people do not exactly do searches with precise sentences, they use words that will get results. Intentional or not, reading the "search terms" as if they were actual sentences will yield some interesting results . See that? "Atheists are ugly". I can name some that are butt ugly, some that are moderately repulsive (like me) and some that are attractive. Same as anyone else. If that was really the object of the search, the seeker did not find it on my Weblogs. If we're discussing inner beauty, that's an entirely different story, capice?

Mosque, Meet My Pig Farm!

Here's a good one. Muslims buy some land and want to build a mosque ( a symbol of Islamic victory ). A guy has owned land there for some time. He is a pig farmer. They have the audacity to ask him to move. Nothing doing. So, he gets creative:

Atheist "Poes": They Make Their Own

“Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humour, it is impossible to create a parody of fundamentalism that someone won't mistake for the real thing.” The General Case of Poe's Law is "It is impossible to tell for certain the difference between genuine stupidity and a parody of stupidity." [ 1 ] It is a common attack at someone who uncompromisingly stands for their Conservative and Christian convictions to call him or her a "Poe". That is, someone is accused of being so ridiculous in their beliefs, he or she is essentially acting like a fool and cannot be taken seriously. It is usually just another attempt at the Appeal to Ridicule fallacy in an effort to dismiss the person instead of dealing with the argument itself. Modern fundamentalist atheism creates its own "Poes". They are hateful and angry, and put people off by their vituperation, lack of logic, constant protests and so on. (And they wonder why they are the least liked g

Video: Fallacy of Proof by Assertion in Action

Atheist Michael Shermer caught making things up, click here for the video .

Logic Lessons: Proof by Assertion

As usual, the more I examine logical fallacies, the more I see how people blend their fallacies into dreadful monstrosities. I have had many experiences where people will attack by asserting that they have a bad or ulterior motive, so be careful of Proof by Assertion because it lends itself to reinforcing other fallacies. " Proof by Assertion " (sometimes "Proof by  Repeated  Assertion", a relative of  Circular Reasoning ) is one of my favorite fallacies because I encounter it so  very  often. In its simplest form, Proof by Assertion happens when someone declares a "fact" without offering supporting evidence: This is similar to the mantra, "Evolution is science, creation is religion". An assertion with an excuse. I still say, "Disingenuous". That was a very strange assertion and cop-out. Another reason that I like "Proof by Assertion" is that it is conveniently linked with

I Have a Question

Buona sera.  Before I ask my question, I need to give some background information. My regular readers know that I am very annoying to certain people because I am not only an unashamed follower of Jesus, but I am also a Biblical creationist for our origins (evolution is untrue, evidence points to God of the Bible). Naturally, I have some vituperative atheist stalkers. One in particular has a phone-in podcast where they malign Christians. He and his cronies have attempted to have me call their "show" through various means: Appeal to pride Appeal to cause (ie, "Don't make Jesus cry by refusing") Repetitive attempts at bullying Attempts at humiliation Ridicule Libel The one that is probably their ringleader has consistently shown himself incapable of understanding basic logic;  insists that I call "The Atheist Experience" because he called Matt Slick at CARM (I do not see much point in debates, and do not seek debates); is unnaturally

How Evolutionists Handle Facts They Dislike

No sound for the first fourteen seconds or so.

Video - 15 Questions for Evolutionists


Is This Fascism?

Buona sera. I implied that the way certain fundie atheist evolutionists are acting is akin to fascism because they would rather indoctrinate than educate. Well, someone actively spells it out. And he links to his previous article. Both are worth reading. Here's my teaser: Secular humanists, atheists and evolution enforcement groups [posing as "science advocacy groups"] have given up scientific debate. Instead they’ve resorted to a more fascist approach: mockery and legal suppression of alternative theories or dissent from Darwin in any form. Now they want even more, and what they want would make Galileo turn over in his grave. A few days ago, I wrote an article called Evolution Is the Only Scientific Theory That Needs Laws To Protect It, in which I drew attention to efforts by the British Humanist Association and a handful of evolutionist, including misotheist Richard Dawkins, regarding science education in UK schools. In essence they want microbes-to-man evol

Atheist Evolutionist Fundamentalism in England

"Those behind the call for ‘evolution not creationism’ say teaching that God created the world is dangerous and must be prevented by law." "For I am well aware that scarcely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts cannot be adduced, often apparently leading to conclusions directly opposite to those at which I have arrived. A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing the facts and arguments on both sides of each question ; and this cannot possibly be here done." — Charles Darwin, Origin of Species Buona sera. I'll keep on saying it: Since modern atheists do not bother with boring stuff like logic and critical thinking, and evolutionists cannot bear to have the flaws in their "theory" exposed, they seek to silence the opposition. Emotionalism, personal attacks and ridicule, provocation — and by legislation, when possible. Intellectual honesty, and scientific inquiry, will be willing to examine contrary evide

Abortion, Evolution and Conscience

Buon giorno. This post is to redirect you to some material I wrote on my other Weblogs. Over at "Piltdown Superman", I have some material showing how an evolutionary mindset contributes to all sorts of evils in society — including abortion. You can read "Evolution and Abortion" here . For the relevance of the issue of abortion for Christians, I compiled something I called "Abortion and Conscience" here . I hope you will take the time to read them.

Freedom-Fighting Secularists In Action!

Be inspired! We can't have any of that nasty old Bible stuff displayed in a business. And we certainly  cannot allow people to show respect when someone prays, no siree! Here are a couple of stories about brave heroes making certain that "religion" is kept in its place. (Why it's the Christian "religion" that is kept in its place but Islam runs rampant...I dunno.) The first in Lancashire, UK: Police have threatened a Christian cafe owner with arrest –for displaying passages from the Bible on a TV screen. Jamie Murray was warned by two police officers to stop playing DVDs of the New Testament in his cafe following a complaint from a customer that it was inciting hatred against homosexuals.  Mr Murray, 31, was left shocked after he was questioned for nearly an hour by the officers, who arrived unannounced at the premises. Let's applaud the secularists for interfering with someone daring to stand up for his beliefs! Read the rest of " Police Tell Caf

Atheists Attempting to Stop Free Speech AGAIN

Buona sera.  This nonsense constantly amazes me. It also adds fuel to my fire that atheists are opposed to freedom of speech. Since they are unable to engage in rational, civil discourse, they resort to their tired, annoying tricks of maligning the person (or organization) instead. Atheists call themselves "rational", "free thinkers" and other misnomers, and then engage in irrational "arguments". In fact, they appear to oppose freedom of thought. Atheists say that they believe in science and in the human mind. Well, the spirit of scientific inquiry does not  mean "smash the opposition instead of examining the evidence". But, since evolution is ill-supported and unscientific, it must be bolstered by data manipulation and outright fraud . No wonder they fear creationists, refusing to listen to their evidence. By the way, what is this "scientific inquiry" attitude of attempting to dismiss all creationism as "a lie"? Are at

Sam Harris, Intellectual Honesty and 9/11

I knew it wouldn't take long for atheists to milk and distort the September 11 "anniversary" (for lack of a better word) for their own confused, hateful ends. Sam "Ben Stiller" Harris may have been the first of the atheist popes to hop on the "all religion is evil" express again. He did a piece crying for "intellectual honesty" (a quality that I find sadly lacking in modern Internet atheists, especially since they have the magical ability to discredit articles without even reading them, but I digress). Surprisingly, apologist Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason says that Sam Harris is right, it is  a time for "intellectual honesty". Well, sorta...

Atheism and the Destruction of Society

A fascinating and provocative piece by PPSimmons discussing the way atheism works with liberalism in undermining traditional values and to destroy our faith in God — and society itself. This article looks like the beginning of a series, and I'm looking forward to the continuation. One of the characteristics of atheism that is immediately noticeable is the overwhelming amount of foul language that is used. Even the most educated among them seem to suffer from the affliction of tourette syndrome. As much as I hate to do it I was forced on a couple of occasions to delete comments due to their graphic content. I have to repeatedly remind these self proclaimed animals that foul language and belittling others in order to prop yourself up are leading indicators of a lesser intelligence. See the rest of "Atheism's DISTURBING Doctrines and tenets... plus videos!" here . Then, you can read "The Atheist Delusion — Response to Richard Dawkins" here .

Logic Lessons: Appeal to Motive

Keep an eye out for this fallacy, not only in discussions about faith and reason, but in political arenas. In its simplest sense, the Appeal to Motive fallacy is rather easy to spot. It is a form of the argumentum ad hominem  fallacy . I posted some song lyrics in the comments section of a Weblog, and someone said that I posted them "to feel better about myself". (What gave him the idea that he had insight into my mental processes, I have no idea.) It seems to me that one of the most common indicators that this fallacy has been engaged is terminology resembling, "He/She/You are doing this because...", but the accuser has no way of knowing what is going on inside your soul. In a more difficult manifestation, the Appeal to Motive is not always a fallacy. This is when something tangible can be brought into question, such as, "Snidely is suggesting that we use General Universal Widgetarium because he holds stock in that company". Well, tha

Brave Muslim Heroes Burn American Flag

Those brave heroes, burning an American flag on September 11, 2011! Oh, such inspirations! Never mind that they didn't even do it in the United States. 'Smatter, Hassan, too much security? Or were you gutless wonders afraid that the people would shove your allahu where the sun doesn't shine? Boy, someone burns a Koran and you think it gives you license to "jihad" and murder people, but you burn an American flag on the tenth anniversary of the date that your shameless, cowardly compatriots murdered three thousand Americans, and yet, you are still living! Shows a bit of a difference, huh?

Strange Searches: Disturbing

Again, for the "gotcha" troublemakers in the world, I will repeat that people will use odd phrases and words that are not really sentences in their searches. Still, when those searches bring them to my Weblogs, they get interesting. In this case, a bit disturbing:


Petra "Whole World" lyrics Words and music by Bob Hartman Based on Hebrews 1:3, Matthew 20:29, 6:34 Hearts are falling left and right Children fear this planet's plight Fatalistic fears abound And take their toll without a sound But through the vague uncertainty - comes a bold assurity This world is under sovereignty - divinely ordered destiny He holds this world together with the Word of His power Safe within His hands - til its own appointed hour (Chorus) He's still got the whole world in His hands - tonight And only He knows where the sparrow lands - tonight And nothing in this world can stop His plans - tonight 'Cause He's still got the whole world in His hands In His hands tonight Humanistic lies lament The holocaust is imminent Doomsday prophets in the news Predicting who will light the fuse The fate of His creation isn't subject to a man The final consummation is according to His plan He's still got you - He's sti

Terrorists Do Not Seem to Fear B. Hussein Obama

Last year Obama made a statement during a 9/11 event in which he said “as Americans we are not — and never will be — at war with Islam.” Maybe the president needs to remind Islam about this because they certainly don’t seem to know. Since taking office, the U.S. has either been attacked or threatened by attacks by Islamists at least 11+ times.  These aren’t random terrorist affronts by other countries, or Jared Loughner-type kooks (as the mainstream media would like you to believe)—they are ISLAMIC TERRORISTS.  Here’s a list of Islamic terrorist attacks and/or threats of attacks that have occurred on U.S. soil and U.S. military bases since Obama took office in January, 2009. Oh and just a reminder—although 9/11 happened 8 months after President Bush took office, during his 8-year presidency we never had any other Islamic terrorist attack in the U.S.  They knew better. Read the rest of "Islamic Attacks and Threats During Obama’s Presidency" here .

Religious Pluralism — Rubbish!

On a weekend when the world remembers the 9/11 that made that date infamous, many questions remain unanswered. My concern is that there are answers that remain unquestioned. Coexist. This sounds so terribly profound and noble. Even the graphic is inspiring. In one word we have Rodney King’s plea from a decade earlier – “Can’t we all just get along?” Well, I suppose that depends what you mean. Can we accept one another as humans with inherent value? – I would hope so. Can we tolerate viewpoints and lifestyles different from our own? – We should. Can we live out our own beliefs without injuring or belittling others in the name of our beliefs? – Most of us do, except for the occasional misguided zealot. Can we accept that we are all climbing the same mountain, even though we may be choosing separate paths? – No. This is where we must part company. The term for this sentiment is religious pluralism. It means ‘ acceptance of all religious paths as equally valid, promoting coexiste