
Showing posts with the label sharia law

Homosexuality, Christians and Sharia

Buona sera. Bible-believing Christians (as opposed to "liberal" make-your-own-god theology that gives a vague nod to Jesus, but backs away from actual Bible teaching if it goes against their opinions, Exodus 20.3) know that homosexuality goes against God's grain (1 Cor. 6.9, Rom. 1.26-28). Sorry, but that's what God says, I don't make the rules. Homosexuality is becoming more acceptable, probably because it is becoming more and more politically correct, despite the fact that most Americans believe that marriage is between a man and a woman . Yet, the Gaystapo is gaining momentum and is becoming increasingly aggressive (I pointed out some examples here and also here, where a man cannot even voice his personal opinion on the subject ). Because we believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that homosexuality is a sinful act, not a natural condition, we are called "homophobes" (a nonsense word) and "haters". No, we don't ...

More Efforts to Put Sharia Law in the USA

Did anyone else notice how B. Hussein Obama kept saying, "Muslim-Americans" as if it was a "race"? He was praising Muslims up one side and down the other. Funny how this alleged Christian ignores or disparages Christianity. But anyway... The conversation would be hilarious if it weren't so frightening. MUSLIM AMERICANS: "You non-Muslim Americans have nothing to worry about. We Muslims would never even think about imposing Sharia in the U.S." NON-MUSLIM AMERICANS: "Well then, you wouldn't mind if we pass a law that will ban Sharia from being used in U.S. courts." MUSLIM AMERICANS: "What??? You only want American law in American courts? No Sharia? How dare you! You're Islamophobes! You're bigoted hate-mongers!" NON-MUSLIM AMERICANS: "If you had no intention of bringing Sharia to the U.S., why are you opposed to us banning it?" MUSLIM AMERICANS: "Racists! We'll sue (to keep you from get...

Shariamerica: The Establishing of a Religion?

Christians Losing Rights in Dearbornistan, Michigan

Answering Muslims: Sharia Judge Michael J. Callahan Nullifies the Fourth Amendment Rights of Christians in Michigan