
Showing posts with the label Bible

The Easter Day of Transgender Visibility?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are millions of professing Christians, many celebrate the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today my wife is celebrating Easter with Jesus for the first time. I miss her, but my grief is tempered with the knowledge that I will see her again. Unbelievers and leftists taint and distort good things that were created. Biblical creationists are called "science deniers" because we reject fish-to-phlebotomist evolution, but those who believe that people can change genders really are  science deniers. Distorted woods, original image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Study on it a bit. A person's DNA is in every cell, and to change genders would mean to change that in all those trillions of cells. Taking hormones, changing clothing choices, forcing others to use preferred pronouns, having surgery — those are superficial changes. March 31 has been called the Transgender Day of Visibility where people who deny what God created demand to be celebrated. No...

Atheists Must Believe Antiscience

Those of us who have been riding the Apologetics Trail for some amount of time know that professing atheists (Rom. 1:18-23) on the internet are, for the most part, weak thinkers. While some may have a modicum of skill at philosophy, most make serious logical and philosophical errors. For example, demanding scientific proof that God exists is a category error , because God is not a material object. We also see ridiculous professing Christians used as examples to say that all religion is evil, which is a hasty generalization . (You can see more of the common informal logical fallacies that misotheists use on the logic lessons page .) Worse, though, is that atheists are forced to believe antiscience because of their worldview. Darwin antiscience, modified from a Pixnio image Examples of why molecules-to-misotheist evolution is unscientific are in many places, including Piltdown Superman  and this weblog. Evolution is foundational to their belief system. (Yeah, I know, they "lack bel...

Great Baals of Fire at the Commonwealth Games!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Something flew under my radar that I would have missed except for a post from WHYOutreach . So anyway, while there are some folks who imagine occult symbolism and conspiracies everywhere they turn (such as the CERN collider causing the end of the world ), this imagery is blatantly obvious. People who know their Bibles and biblical history are aware of the demon known as Baal. How do you pronounce it? On Stargate SG-1  and other places, it's pronounced ball , like bouncy. Some say bail , like what you do when the boat is filling with water (I use this one). Others insert a gap, Ba'al, making it buh-ALL . However it is pronounced, it is a generic way of saying lord. Then it became a proper name. Since I can't find a legal image, here's the Palmyra Temple of Baal-Shamin, WikiComm / Dosseman  ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) So who was this sidewinder, anyhow? Basically a fertility deity for Canaan and Phoenicia — better yet, read " Who was Baal? " Differ...

Definitions, Evolution, and the American Police State

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Edited 23 Mat 2922 Free speech is something that is cherished by many people in the Western world, but it is being suppressed drastically. Most of the mainstream media are so left-wing, they fly in circles; news reports infested with opinions. The secular science industry promotes leftist views, and is anti-science in many ways . Biblical creationists uphold the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis. Biblical truth undermines socialism and many other political evils, so no wonder creation scientists are suppressed when they present evidence against evolution. Something very important that many of us teach is the importance of definitions. Surveillance, Pixabay /  Jürgen Jester (modified with FotoSketcher ) Darwin's acolytes tell us that evolution is a "fact" and that it has been observed. This often comes with conflating variations  and speciation  (among other things) with evolution , where they are intending to dry gulch peopl...

Miracles and the Evolution of Jesus

For many professing Christians in several denominations, Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. As a child in the United Methodist Church, we were given palm tree fronds to place at the front of the church. There are variations where Holy Week ends on Saturday, others count Easter Sunday. Credit: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Some sects continue liturgical celebrations after Easter. Bible-believing Christians know the truths from Scripture that Jesus rose from the dead and is at the right hand of God the Father (Rom. 8:34), so our observance is continual. Naturalists deny miracles, including the recent creation in six days, the Resurrection, Jesus and Peter walking on water, and other things, so they attempt to evosplain them away according to their fundamentally flawed presuppositions. (Liberal theologians and secularists can be seen at this time of year on secular documentaries denying the truth.) Some say that religion evolved (see " The Non-Evolution of Religion "), but that...

Misotheists, Evolutionists Play the Offended Card

Instead of dealing with issues and confrontations with reason, people dodge them by playing the victim card. They often claim to be offended. This manipulation ploy works on many people, especially Christians and Conservatives, who do not want to be seen as aggressors. It is one thing to tell the truth in an offensive manner (which can potentially negate a message), but the truth itself is offensive to people who are in the wrong. Especially the gospel message itself.  Modified from an image made by Why?Outreach While Christians and creationists are to present our message graciously, there are times when we must stand firm. Some Christians clutch their pearls when firm responses given to atheists and evolutionists. They give what I think of as the milk-and-cookies-group-hug reaction: "You'll hurt their feelings, they'll chose against Christ and go to Hell, and it'll be all your fault !" Not hardly! They're responsible for choices and decisions, but I'll a...

Prophecies and Christmas

One of the most difficult aspects of the Bible for scoffers to ignore is fulfilled prophecies, of which there are many in the Bible. Those regarding the birth of Jesus are found in several Old Testament books, all the way back to the protoevangelium of Genesis 3:15. (Even his death on a cross was prophesied in Psalm 22:12-18, long before the Romans even existed.) It is impossible for Jesus to have fulfilled prophecies by accident , and many were usually not known until after his Resurrection. Prophet Isaiah by Fra Bartolomeo, 1516 In Isaiah 7:14, for example, we read that Jesus would be born of a virgin. Micah 5:2 tells us of his birthplace. Old Testament scribes knew the prophecies, which helps belie the claim of scoffers that they were written down afterward to make Jesus look good. (If you study on it, that's ludicrous even on the surface to claim that a holy God who hates lying would condone such a practice.) Many prophecies were fulfilled at the birth of Jesus. There are als...

Atheists and Evidence for God

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  A common occurrence when dealing with professing (Rom. 1:20) atheists is a demand to "prove that God exists", usually with some kind of empirical evidence. (This is the logical fallacy of the category error, because God is spirit, John 4:24.) On more than one occasion, other Christians and I have had such demands followed with question-begging epithets . It may come as a shock, but evidence is for believers , not scoffers.  Assembled with graphics from Clker clipart In the famous debate between Drs. Greg Bahnsen and Gordon Stein, the latter said that he would be persuaded if a miracle happened in his presence. Stein suggested that if the podium rose up five feet, hung there, then dropped down, he would have to conclude something supernatural had happened. Bahnsen was having none of that : People are not made theists by miracles. People must change their world views; their hearts must be changed. They need to be converted. That what it takes, and that’s...

Atheism, Mental Health, and God

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  It seems that every day has been designated as a national or world day for an observance, whether to "raise awareness", celebrate, or something prosaic. October 10 is World Mental Health Day. Fine, I reckon it is a good idea to point out that millions of people have mental health issues. Many are simply things we just learn to deal with, others are debilitating and need counseling as well as medication. Several times, this child has admitted to dealing with depression. Everyone probably has it to some degree on occasion, and other times it is a lifelong struggle due to chemical imbalances in the brain. My hypertension medications contribute to it. People in the Bible were troubled with depression. My photo of the Hudson River, the Rondout Lighthouse is very small on the left side Some of those problems were short-term based on circumstances, others seemed to be lifelong. David wrote some psalms showing his depression over events and his own sins, and E...

Pop Culture Sexuality Propaganda and "The Good Doctor"

 by Cowboy Bob Sorensen While many propagandists use heavy-handed tactics such as concentration and repetition, harassment, appeal to ridicule, and so on, others are conniving sidewinders. In " Pop-culture Evolutionism ", Paul Price discussed how evolutionism is spread through popular culture. In a similar way, this is happening with sexuality. Credit: Pexels /  Marcos Flores Non-Christians easily follow trends in the world, but it's mighty difficult for Christians to resist floating downstream as well. Television, movies, music, performing artists, news media, sports stars, and others influence our way of thinking. People have been duped into thinking that the number of LGBTQ+ people is much larger than it really is, party because of how they are  presented on television . My wife and I watch  The Good Doctor , a program about an autistic surgeon and his struggles with the medical community. (An episode  inspired me to write an article .) It is made quite well ...

Nancy Pelosi Fans Flames of Science vs Faith

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Nancy Pelosi, leftist Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives, has made it clear many times that she is dishonest and incompetent. In her latest fatuous remarks foolishness, she attempts to demonize people of faith for allegedly 'not believing in science". Made at PhotoFunia In an article on Piltdown Superman, I wrote about how atheists and other anti-creationists dehumanize their targets . Indeed, this sort of thing only escalates. (Just think of Germany in the years around 1939 where Jews were dehumanized.) In an earlier article on this weblog, I wrote that leftists are demonizing supporters of President Trump, and they want to punish us — some are even recommending reeducation camps. Let's saddle up and ride to higher ground to get a bigger picture. One major instance where Nanny Pelosi demonstrated her lust for power and prestige was promoting the Obamacare bill. But what was in it? She said that we have to pass the bill to find out wha...

Living Under Divine Judgment

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article contains raw emotion, but I hope that some of these thoughts will be useful. I also hope they will be interesting not just to Americans, but people in other Western countries. Supposedly every generation feels that the world is getting worse. Well, it is. Credit: Pixabay / Enrique Meseguer Readers should be informed that I am a Christian, politically Conservative, a biblical (young age) creationist, and believe in the pre-tribulation rapture . I'm not going to spend a great deal of time backing up everything I say because people seldom pay attention to those things anyway, and y'all can look things up your ownselves. But I'll document a few things.  Leftists and Theological Liberals It is no secret that political leftists, professing Christians who do not believe in the inerrancy of Scripture ("liberal" theology), and misotheists all ride for the same brand. They despise those of us who believe the Bible, and those of us who uph...

Another Wicked Atheist Meme Refuted

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Atheists are mighty fond of making "memes" to ridicule Christians and biblical creationists, receiving praise from their pestiferous comrades. While claiming to believe in reason, these things are usually straw men. Add to this the extrapolation fallacy , and thinking people should reject these out of hand. Modified angry monkey image from Freeimages by  Nico van Geldere The extrapolation fallacy is also prominent among advocates of fish-to-fool evolution (see " The Extrapolation Fallacy in Evolutionary Storytelling "). Atheopaths not only make "memes" that can be refuted , but they use the extrapolation fallacy in posts on their social media. The exception is used as the rule. For example, there are instances of when someone in a religious cult refuses a vaccination or other medical treatment for a child who tragically dies. This means all "religion" is bad according to such posts. No, it means there is somethin...

Atheists Instructed to Lie to their Children

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  We have seen over the years on this site and many others that professing atheists have faulty moral compasses , and their worldview has no real hope or purpose . Indeed, it is incoherent and cannot be lived consistently. If someone is an atheist, why would it be wrong to lie? Image corrected from PIXNIO . There are times when an atheist objects to something a Christian or biblical creationist says and makes an accusation of "you're lying". Why is that wrong in their worldview? (One of the times that I defeated a certain atheist is when I asked, "If I was actually lying, which has not been proved, why would that be wrong in your worldview?" The reply was, "Because I am not like you". That answer revealed some of his irrationality.) Of course, the same question could be asked of Clinton Richard Dawkins when he indulged in this bigotry . According to materialism, we are just " ugly bags of mostly water " that r...

The Destructive Nature of Narcissism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is an article that I was going to write for a long time. Originally, I thought I could make it work over at Piltdown Superman and use the material in a discussion about atheists and anti-creationists, but it was not a good fit over there. This was inspired by an article that had been in my e-book reader for a long time and is linked later on. Cropped from Echo and Narcissus by John William Waterhouse, 1903 Is it just my imagination, or are people becoming more and more self-absorbed nowadays? We hear about people who are overly fond of themselves and are often referred to as narcissistic. The word came from an ancient Greek myth where Narcissus was excessively handsome and fond of himself, then fell in love with his own reflection. Narcissism is a personality disorder that takes many forms. The word is bandied about far too casually, describing people from world leaders to anyone else that may be disliked. As with any disorder (or even a physi...