
Showing posts from January 20, 2013

Video: "The Twilight of Atheism"

Atheists insist that children are "born atheist", but that is simply a bold assertion that cannot be supported. (Worse for them, there is scientific evidence that the truth is the opposite of what they claim .) So ... about two percent of the population who claim to be atheists are smarter than the rest of the billions of people? How arrogant. Check out this very short video.

America's Abortion Shame - 40 Years Later

Abortion is almost a sacrament for leftist politics (remember how they lied about Romney?) Ultra radical B. Hussein Obama is astonishingly pro-abortion . Obamacare forces employers to pay for abortions , just ask Hobby Lobby . The so-called "woman's right to choose" (what about the unborn woman, was she consulted?) and other appeals to emotion are used. Yet, abortion is a for-profit industry that yanks people's emotions around in order to further its own ends. Naturally, this is another evil that is firmly supporte d by the social applications of the pseudoscience called evolutio n. How about if you in terrupt your pr0n surfing and stalking to spend a bout a half an hour and be enlightened? I challenge you to wat ch it.  

Video: The Conundrum of Evolution and Design Dynamics

Another short video to turn up the heat before Question Evolution Day ! This one includes the obfuscation of biased sites like Wiki pedia in order to pro tect evolutionism.