
Showing posts with the label Creation Ministries International

The Devious Motte-and-Bailey Fallacy

Way back in 1066 AD, William the First took a notion to extend his power from Normandy and conquer England. People who have been invaded are not too fond of the idea. Bill knew this, and acted quickly to keep control, so he built a passel of strongholds. These castles could be built rather quickly with available wood. (Later, castles would be made of stone.) The wide area that was protected which was known as the bailey . The nearby hill, existing or manufactured, had the top leveled off for the greater stronghold, the motte . This is where the keep , often a tower, was built. Windsor Castle with motte and bailey, Flickr / Mike McBey ( CC BY 2.0 ) The basic idea of a motte and bailey was successful , since attackers would have to get through the outer defenses first, then they would have to fight the greater defenses going uphill. When the attack was thwarted or abandoned, the people would leave the motte and return to bailey life. This layout has been applied to a particularly deviou...

Atheists Must Believe Antiscience

Those of us who have been riding the Apologetics Trail for some amount of time know that professing atheists (Rom. 1:18-23) on the internet are, for the most part, weak thinkers. While some may have a modicum of skill at philosophy, most make serious logical and philosophical errors. For example, demanding scientific proof that God exists is a category error , because God is not a material object. We also see ridiculous professing Christians used as examples to say that all religion is evil, which is a hasty generalization . (You can see more of the common informal logical fallacies that misotheists use on the logic lessons page .) Worse, though, is that atheists are forced to believe antiscience because of their worldview. Darwin antiscience, modified from a Pixnio image Examples of why molecules-to-misotheist evolution is unscientific are in many places, including Piltdown Superman  and this weblog. Evolution is foundational to their belief system. (Yeah, I know, they "lack bel...

Medical Science Incompatible with Abortion Arguments

In these formerly United States, January 23 is the 38th observance of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday . We are bombarded with claims about "reproductive rights for women", "my body, my choice", and others. The baby has half of the DNA from each parent, which is another problem with such arguments. In many cases, this is a political power grab by people who have had their consciences seared. Abortion is the ending of a human life, but many do not care and are even proud of murder. In very few cases is ending a pregnancy medically necessary. Ultrasound picture from Pexels by Melike Benli By the way, they have the rights to use contraceptives or even abstinence. What women who demand their "rights" are not told are the enduring consequences of having an abortion. Leftists and others who support abortion on demand use several arguments that can easily be refuted , and they also present the viperine falsehood that it is "religious" people who are forci...

Misotheists, Evolutionists Play the Offended Card

Instead of dealing with issues and confrontations with reason, people dodge them by playing the victim card. They often claim to be offended. This manipulation ploy works on many people, especially Christians and Conservatives, who do not want to be seen as aggressors. It is one thing to tell the truth in an offensive manner (which can potentially negate a message), but the truth itself is offensive to people who are in the wrong. Especially the gospel message itself.  Modified from an image made by Why?Outreach While Christians and creationists are to present our message graciously, there are times when we must stand firm. Some Christians clutch their pearls when firm responses given to atheists and evolutionists. They give what I think of as the milk-and-cookies-group-hug reaction: "You'll hurt their feelings, they'll chose against Christ and go to Hell, and it'll be all your fault !" Not hardly! They're responsible for choices and decisions, but I'll a...

Atheists and Evidence for God

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  A common occurrence when dealing with professing (Rom. 1:20) atheists is a demand to "prove that God exists", usually with some kind of empirical evidence. (This is the logical fallacy of the category error, because God is spirit, John 4:24.) On more than one occasion, other Christians and I have had such demands followed with question-begging epithets . It may come as a shock, but evidence is for believers , not scoffers.  Assembled with graphics from Clker clipart In the famous debate between Drs. Greg Bahnsen and Gordon Stein, the latter said that he would be persuaded if a miracle happened in his presence. Stein suggested that if the podium rose up five feet, hung there, then dropped down, he would have to conclude something supernatural had happened. Bahnsen was having none of that : People are not made theists by miracles. People must change their world views; their hearts must be changed. They need to be converted. That what it takes, and that’s...

More Atheistic Propaganda from Dawkins

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Seems that Dr. Clinton Richard Dawkins got himself another atheopathy book on the market, which got the hands at the Darwin Ranch on the prod. Rusty Swingset ordered overtime at the propaganda mill with everybody on standby, and he went with another publisher. Left image credit: Wikimedia Commons / David Shankbone ( CC by 3.0 ) Right image credit: Imgflip and many other places on teh interweb In a podcast of The Briefing by Dr. Richard Albert Mohler, we learned that Dawkins is inadvertently proving God right again (Romans 1:18-23) . If you study on it a spell, you'll see that words like should, ought, and the like imply ethical and moral claims . According to atheism and evolutionism, we are just rearranged pond slime reacting to our chemical impulses. He has no right to criticize Christians or creationists because, in his fundamentally flawed worldview, we are born this way and cannot help it . Actually, his rants do not contain valid logic. He...

Celebrity Appeal and Propaganda

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The other day, Stormie Waters was frustrated with her gold prospecting efforts and ventured up past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as the name implies) and up into Deception Pass. Somehow she avoided the Winkie Guards and drew near to the Darwin Ranch. Then she overheard Rusty Swingset telling the hands that they need to step up their propaganda game — using celebrities. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach I'll allow that we gravitate toward people who think like us (and Christians are commanded to have teaching and fellowship with other believers, but it seems that we seek out celebrity endorsements a bit less than other people.) Having someone famous who is on your side has a greater impact. You can find listings of famous atheists in history and the media, and lists of creation scientists and other scientists who disagree with Darwinism can be found. People of varied interests find influential people who share their interests. Pr...

Science Shows the Differences Between Men and Women

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Some people refer to those of us who reject fish-to-fool evolution or the current version of anthropogenic climate change as "science deniers", "anti-science", and similar labels. Such claims are clearly blatant lies utilized to elicit emotional reactions for the sake of demonizing their opponents.  It is not uncommon for advocates of evolution and climate change to misrepresent those they perceive of as enemies , even lying all the more in their straw man "arguments". Part of the problem is the all-or-nothing argumentation; we state that we appreciate real science, but they portray us as if we reject all  science. You savvy? When it comes to differences between men and women, there are indeed science deniers. No, not all of science, but that which is applicable to their gender activism. The Happy Lovers ,  Gustave Courbet, 1844 I have written about the differences between males and females (and how science confirms what t...

Science Does Not Correct Itself

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a connotation of science  where scientists gather information, make a hypothesis, test it, revise as necessary, it becomes a theory, and eventually a law. Somewhere along the line the thing gets put out to pasture if the facts are recalcitrant. Such a view is not only naïve, but ignores human nature. Scientists are human, after all.  Scoffing at new material One expression I have encountered when discussing the origins controversy is that "science corrects itself". Aside from the reification fallacy ( science  is not a living thing, but scientists may correct themselves), this has been shown to be false — often in areas of technology. Great inventors were laughed at, such as Robert Fulton and the Wright brothers. It was said that if people move too fast (aside from dangerous acceleration, change of direct, and deceleration), they would have physical problems or even die. Scoffers were silenced by results. Some people attribute this ...

Genetic Tampering, Ethics, and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is an important topic for any day, but even more so for Question Evolution Day . Western civilization has strong Christian roots which have, in turn, effected ethics. That is mighty helpful, since modern science was mostly founded because of the biblical worldview . Unfortunately, with postmodernism, Darwinism, and materialism galloping wild and free, ethical and moral concerns in science are fading into the background. One example is of scientists who want to keep human embryos alive even longer before killing them . Other countries do not have such ethical constraints from the get-go. China has been working on the CRISPR genome editing tool, and are "unfettered by rules". While we have ethical concerns , the ChiComs are materialists and force atheism on their people, so we know where their "morality" will lead.  In addition, China is moving forward with cloning, announcing that they have successfully cloned two monkeys. The co...

Rights for Robots?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen So, some folks over yonder in the European Union think that robots should have rights, as they may develop self-awareness. Have they been smoking wacky tobaccy? This opens up a passel of problems from the get-go. First, they need to define robot . Some task-saving devices are called robots, so a definition for a robot may need certain advanced capabilities. Seems mighty subjective, though. Does it have to look human? Suppose "lower" robots decided they were discriminated against. It happened with blacks, Jews, and others who were considered less than human by other humans, you know. Can you imagine the social justice warriors pushing for legislation to protect robots? Then we have Mr. Gordons, who refers to humans as "meat machines" . Imagine this scene: a robot complains to a supervisor that it does not like to be referred to as a "robot", but prefers the title of electronic person. Also, a complain was filed because the te...

More On Atheistic Straw Man "Reasoning"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen At first glance, this may look like a basic reaction to vindictive atheists. Nope. It's a whole heap more than that, showing how professing atheists and anti-creationists resort to contemptible methods in their efforts to silence biblical creationists. As shown in numerous posts here, on my Piltdown Superman site, The Question Evolution Project Fazebook Page , and at numerous other sites and forums, the typical village atheist who trolls the internet demonstrates very little ability to use logic. In addition, they often seek to justify what passes as morality in their world by railing against God by using selective citation of biblical texts (that is, woefully out of context) and straw man arguments. A couple of tinhorns consistently wants to slap leather with me and "debate", but there is no sense in defending positions I don't hold.  Background image from Clker clipart I have long maintained that atheopaths are made stupid by thei...

Laws of Thermodynamics and Hate

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Don't be getting ahead of me, the Laws of Thermodynamics (especially entropy) should  have nothing to do with hate per se,  and hate should not  involve laws of science. When you get atheists wanting to slap leather with biblical creationists, however, their blind hate and seething rage prompts them to use science for leverage in their quest for the ideological supremacy of materialism and the promotion of their death cult of evolutionism. Credit: Freeimages / Peter Skadberg There was a recent article by Creation Ministries International  where creationist engineer Colin Gibson was interviewed about his faith journey. As a child, he was not taught the Christian faith effectively. When he was confronted by evolutionary propaganda, he believed that the State school was being truthful, and rejected Christianity for the most part. Still, Gibson had "nagging doubts" about evolutionary adaptation. When he heard creationary speaker Carl Wie...