Medical Science Incompatible with Abortion Arguments

In these formerly United States, January 23 is the 38th observance of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. We are bombarded with claims about "reproductive rights for women", "my body, my choice", and others. The baby has half of the DNA from each parent, which is another problem with such arguments.

In many cases, this is a political power grab by people who have had their consciences seared. Abortion is the ending of a human life, but many do not care and are even proud of murder. In very few cases is ending a pregnancy medically necessary.

Ultrasound of unborn child. People try to justify abortion on demand by appealing to their rights, there are serious emotional and medical problems for women who have abortions.
Ultrasound picture from Pexels by Melike Benli

By the way, they have the rights to use contraceptives or even abstinence.

What women who demand their "rights" are not told are the enduring consequences of having an abortion. Leftists and others who support abortion on demand use several arguments that can easily be refuted, and they also present the viperine falsehood that it is "religious" people who are forcing their views on everyone else. Thinking people can see through that. Even though people of various religious views oppose abortion, and it goes against biblical teachings, there are medical reasons where abortion is harmful to the women who end their pregnancies.

The expression "follow the money" is helpful when there are doctors who give approval for unnecessary abortions: many have a financial interest. Kickbacks are unethical, you savvy that?

These doctors should know (if they're doing their jobs) that yes, women have psychological and emotional traumas. Women who have full-term births and no abortions have a decreased risk of breast cancer, but since the fetal cells remain in the mother when a pregnancy is terminated, they risk miscarriage in future pregnancies. Further, fetal cells have been detected in several cancers.

Our Creator intended one man, one woman, one lifetime — which clearly is not happening in this fallen world. Women who remain faithful to one spouse and do not kill their unborn children have better physical and mental health benefits. Those who have had abortions, adulterers, and everyone else who has sinned against God can have forgiveness by humbling themselves and repenting at the foot of the cross of Jesus, who bodily rose from the dead — demonstrating his bona fides.

I am a GP, and as a doctor, it seems I must agree with the proponents of abortion on demand, abortion as a contraceptive right, and abortion all the way through pregnancy, including at term. Otherwise, I am labelled an “obstructive, manipulative, rude or a disrespectful anti-choice doctor”. This is according to a pro-abortion GP writing in the Medical Observer on 19 October 2018.
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In light of this, it’s a good chance to revisit some of the science of abortion and what the science says about the harm that abortion does to the woman, not just the baby whose life is brutally ended.
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In the case of surgical abortions, often a healthy, but unwanted fetus is surgically destroyed and removed from the womb. If the baby survives the process, he or she is left to die.

It is estimated that in a single year, 2008, 1.21 million abortions were performed in the United States alone. According to the World Health Organization, over 50 million abortions occur each year worldwide, i.e. ~125,000 per day. In Queensland alone, in 2015, about 10,000–14,000 abortions occurred—and this was with the ‘archaic’ law that supposedly restricted abortion.

What’s driving this intense worldwide campaign for radical abortion? The United Nations seems to be involved, using innocuous-sounding banners like ‘reproductive health’ and ‘equality for women’. The UN World Survey on the Role of Women in Development 2014: Gender Equality and Sustainable Development uses double-speak and soft phrases to advocate what is in fact sterilization, abortion, and reduction in fertility rates.

I really hope you will read the article in its entirety. A bit long, but definitely worth it. You may also want to bookmark/favorite it for later reference. See "How abortion harms women: The science." Also of interest, Answers in Genesis is doing a series, "Prenatal Development: Life of an Unborn Baby."


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