Buon giorno. Today, I'm going to ask you to spend some time (I have audio clips) and do some thinking (the audio clips contain arguments). I was listening to Rev. Matt Slick of CARM . (He has a radio show called "Faith and Reason" that takes callers and discusses atheism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormonism, Islam and other heresies.) On the broadcast for July 22, 2010, they were discussing some things that frankly, I do not understand. I'm planning on listening to the podcast a few more times until I can get the hang of them. So if you want to argue about what is presented, don't ask me, capice? Like I said, Matt takes callers. If you want to challenge him and have a debate, fine, call him up when he's on the air and go for it. He loves that kind of thing. The times and phone numbers are here . You can also send him hate mail, (he loves that, too), or call, or whatever. That link is here . But I'm telling you not to debate with me, because I don't ha