
Showing posts with the label world view

Fundamentally Flawed Atheistic Reasoning

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Once again, I need to state that everyone has a worldview that is comprised of presuppositions (those things that we assume to be true without verification). Atheism is a weird belief with many aspects, and some people who profess atheism are actually agnostics (unsure of God's existence). I've even seen one tinhorn profess agnosticism and then jump the fence and identify as an atheist in the same post. So, atheists have a passel of presuppositions in their religion . I suspicion that some people want to call themselves atheists because they heard that atheists are the smartest people. That's demonstrably false. (It also leaves out the fact that many of the most brilliant people, past and present, have been not only Bible-believing Christians, but biblical creationists as well.) Often, Christians have challenged the claims of professing atheists, and the atheists are startled to find that they are not reasoning properly. That really puts a bur...

Problems with Secularist Theories of Knowledge

Back in college, I was not fond of philosophy and often cut class. One day, I showed up and it was test time. Essay  test time. So I pulled out my mental shovel and piled it on and aced the test. Perhaps if we had started with theories of knowledge and presuppositions, I would have appreciated such things more. It took people like Jason Lisle and Greg Bahnsen to prompt my thinking in such areas. Are there absolutes? How do you know what you know? What is your epistemology ? Can we know things? How can we know anything? If we can't know things, then why can't we know them? We all have our starting points and use basic logic (such as the Law of Contradiction ). Atheistic worldviews tend to be arbitrary and self-refuting in nature. Skepticism (the philosophy, not the modern stripped-down definition), Empiricism, Scientism, Rationalism and more are irrational and inconsistent. We all have our ultimate starting points for our worldviews. The biblical Christian worldview is ...

Questioning the Dubious Duties of Darwin Drones

— Cowboy Bob Sorensen "But, I held strongly to the view that it was an opportunity to expose the well-intending Ken Ham and the support he receives from his followers as being bad for Kentucky, bad for science education, bad for the U.S., and thereby bad for humankind — I do not feel I’m exaggerating when I express it this strongly." — Bill Nye   "...When I read the deliberate malicious stupid relentless lying evil from hypocrite Sorensen I start to wish that hell really exists. Because he will go there if it does if he does not repent of his hatred towards all people who criticise his online aggression and arrogance whilst wearing 'Christian' ie 'Bible defending' clothing. " The Question Evolution Project is a Cesspit of Hate as I have demonstrated many times. "Those caught in Bob's cesspit should get out while they can if they have any sense and if they are real Christians." — An irrational Stalker, and Bill Nye...

Atheism, Materialism, Relativism and Reason

We have seen in numerous posts that atheism is an incoherent, irrational, unreasonable and self-defeating worldview (as is its confused, timid kid brother, agnosticism). Evolution is a cornerstone of this belief system, since both rely on materialism , a self-affirming and intellectually suffocating idea that starts and ends with the physical universe. Atheism and evolutionism also rely on viciously circular reasoning. To admit that there really is a Creator would destroy atheism instantly, because that would imply that we need to find out what the Creator has to say to us. Further, atheism relies on relativism, a convenient means of excusing thoughtlessness and convenience-based "morality". Relativism is an absurd philosophy. "Relativism is the concept that points of view have no absolute truth or validity, having only relative, subjective value according to differences in perception and consideration... The term often refers to truth relativism , which...

Video — Eukaryotic Cells Refute Evolution

Evolution cannot withstand scrutiny. But it is foundational to liberal Christianity, other irrational religions and especially the incoherence known as atheistm. That's why evolution is protected, and contrary evidence suppressed, by the Evo Sith in their efforts to protect their fundamentally flawed worldviews. And yet, the truth is discovered. Oh, sure, the protectors are sent scrambling to find excuses to keep their failed "theory" intact. Here is another short video with more information to show that evolution is a fun damentally flawed belief system. That is, evolutionism keeps looking more and more far-fetched because the evidence shows the Creator. How good is that?

Video: Eric Hovind Wrecks Atheists' "Logic"

Really, destroying what passes for logic in the minds of most Internet atheopaths is not difficult at all. In this video, Eric Hovind will not let atheists off the hook in this discussion. They cannot justify their belief systems, show terrible reasoning skills and want people to simply accept their a priori presuppositions. Eric allows none of that. By the way, note her contradiction: It's OK for Eric to believe the way he does, but it's not OK because his views are somehow "dangerous". He catches her in lies, too.

Atheism: Sliding Downward Into Apathy

Thank God modern atheism is sliding into a downward spiral. One thing I have noticed among modern fundamentalist Internet atheists is denial. When they are show how atheism is on the slide, they resort to the infallible scientific response of "making stuff up". They will call me a liar, whomever publicized the statistics a liar, insist that atheism is growing rapidly, use the laughable canard that "Christianity will be gone in a hundred years", (Sorry, Sweetums, that's been said for centuries. It backfired miserably on Voltaire, because one of his homes is owned by the Geneva Bible Society !), and other irrational responses. Anger, denial — from the way these atheists conduct themselves, I would not be surprised to learn of even more acts of violence by atheists. Ironically, they portray themselves as nice people who never bother anyone, that their only difference is that they "lack belief" in God — a transparently disingenuous escape. (For one thing...

Let's Be Blunt — Atheism is Bad Philosophy

Despite the rants of misotheists, atheism is an unworkable worldview. Biblical Christianity is the only way to make sense of the questions of life. If you are an atheist you may be offended by the following material. You may feel it is a personal attack, but it is an ideological one. I realize that no two people are exactly alike. I know many people have good, meaningful and moral lives without religion. At the deepest level my criticism is my way of understanding why atheism didn't work for me in the end. However it is scathing on atheism ideologically, so be prepared. My provocative and polemical style here arises not least from the polemical nature of atheism itself. I am making an essential critique of the literal meaning of atheism, the denial of the existence God, in a brief but strict philosophical argument about ideology. I'm subjecting atheism to its own rationalist analysis, I'm just doing so in a way which also acknowledges that ideas are real, whic...

Atheism, Evolutionism and Morality

Buon giorno. While reading True Reason: Christian Responses to the Challenge of Atheism , something occurred to me. This section of the book was pointing out how the so-called "new atheists" will conflate "reason" with morality. As I have seen it, "I claim to be rational and use reason. You are religious, so you do not use reason, just ignore my genetic fallacies here. I am a better person than you are!" In addition, I have been attacked with being called a liar because I disagree with the interpretations of the facts regarding evolution. Amazing. They conflated so badly that they could not tell the difference between a difference of opinion and a moral flaw. Joseph Lister's germ theory was met with disbelief, but I seriously doubt that other scientists called him a liar. But I digress. An evolutionary worldview does not provide a realistic basis for morality. Morality is a very difficult problem for the evolutionary worldview. This is not to ...

The Irrationality of Atheism

Buona sera. On a personal experience, subjective perspective, it is easy to see that atheism is irrational. Just look at what it does to people: Vituperative trolling on the Internet, often under multiple assumed names Fundamentalist jihad replaces rational thought, where hatred of Christians is more important than the logic that they claim to appreciate Basic lack of civility — this makes me wonder if the hate-consumed angry atheists are unemployable, as they spend an inordinate amount of time attacking people on the Internet Digging into philosophical mires where they insist that they are right despite how silly they look; they are almost never wrong, especially if it means that a Christian is right about something. Essentially, the atheist insists, "I'm right, you're wrong because I said so!" They're cute when illogical. Using fundamentally flawed "evidence" for evolution, no matter how outdated, disproved and just plain bad But enough of my o...

Blame God

Buona sera. Today's rant is a bit different. It's from the heart (I do have one despite what my ex will tell you), there are no hard facts — but some reasoning. Lemme 'splain, Lucy. I'm going to connect my conclusions with my observations, and I'm going to show a bit of "two can play at that game". Due to circumstances that I will not discuss, I had to watch some of a soap opera. (To be politically correct, "daytime drama". To be honest, "waste of time".) But I have to give some credit to the actors, actresses, writers and director because the cast was doing quite well in looking like the infant on the show really was in imminent danger of dying from a virulent disease. I almost wanted to reach out and comfort the sobbing babes. One scene set off a mental chain reaction for me. She was in a hospital chapel and saying to God, "Is this what you want? What are you doing? Spare the child" and that sort of thing. Well, that sort of...