Let's Be Blunt — Atheism is Bad Philosophy

Despite the rants of misotheists, atheism is an unworkable worldview. Biblical Christianity is the only way to make sense of the questions of life.

If you are an atheist you may be offended by the following material. You may feel it is a personal attack, but it is an ideological one. I realize that no two people are exactly alike. I know many people have good, meaningful and moral lives without religion. At the deepest level my criticism is my way of understanding why atheism didn't work for me in the end. However it is scathing on atheism ideologically, so be prepared.

My provocative and polemical style here arises not least from the polemical nature of atheism itself. I am making an essential critique of the literal meaning of atheism, the denial of the existence God, in a brief but strict philosophical argument about ideology. I'm subjecting atheism to its own rationalist analysis, I'm just doing so in a way which also acknowledges that ideas are real, which atheism seems somewhat reluctant to do.
Read the rest of "Why Atheism is Bad Philosophy", here.

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