
Showing posts with the label freedom

Definitions, Evolution, and the American Police State

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Edited 23 Mat 2922 Free speech is something that is cherished by many people in the Western world, but it is being suppressed drastically. Most of the mainstream media are so left-wing, they fly in circles; news reports infested with opinions. The secular science industry promotes leftist views, and is anti-science in many ways . Biblical creationists uphold the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis. Biblical truth undermines socialism and many other political evils, so no wonder creation scientists are suppressed when they present evidence against evolution. Something very important that many of us teach is the importance of definitions. Surveillance, Pixabay /  Jürgen Jester (modified with FotoSketcher ) Darwin's acolytes tell us that evolution is a "fact" and that it has been observed. This often comes with conflating variations  and speciation  (among other things) with evolution , where they are intending to dry gulch peopl...

Liberty and Darwinism are Opposites

Since proponents of fish-to-firefighter evolution rely on a paradigm of naturalism, they have a heap of trouble explaining the experiences of life that are intangible. I heard a debate between a Christian and an atheist, and the atheist admitted that everything he knows could be wrong in his frame of empiricism. The Christian showed him that he could not account for such things as logic and his worldview is self-refuting. Even though the atheist could be wrong, his "reasoning" maintained that the Christian is also wrong. Such a worldview is unlivable, as things we experience every day, truths of life, cannot be tested and determined in a lab by material means. By what means to materialists determine the soul or free will? What or where is consciousness ? They are not a part of the brain. There are some helpful links in " The Quantum Soul? " Declaration of Independence , John Trumbull, 1817-1819 Today, many Americans are celebrating Independence Day. Hopefully...

Liberty or the Collective?

When individual liberties thrive, there is a sense of accountability and a sense of wanting justice. For example, in the Soviet Union, atheist Stalin pushed for the collectivization of farms, where individuals were made to be inferior through propaganda and actual coercion. Can't have peasants owning and harvesting their own land, can we? No! We must work together for the common good of the Soviet, and you will be rewarded with farm equipment. Otherwise, what little you have will be taken away. This horrible procedure led to despair, famine, cannibalism, and more.   “Strengthen working discipline in collective farms” USSR propaganda poster Credit: Wikimedia Commons Totalitarian regimes emphasize the "common good" (or "greater good") of whatever those in power have decreed. People have little hope or expectation of justice. Such governments are usually riddled with corruption (the aforementioned Soviet Union was famous for corruption). Want to get somethin...

Brilliant Atheists, Agnostics Saving the World

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article is primarily about arrogant atheists, but there are also arrogant agnostics who side with them when maligning Christians. (Yes, I know that there are subdivisions of atheist and agnostic beliefs, but those strike me as arbitrary and inconsistent. The kind of agnostic that says, "I don't know if there is a God, but I'm open to the possibility" seems to be harder to find.) Some can't make up their minds if they're atheist or agnostic, flip-flopping between the two positions, but still delight in attacking Christians — especially biblical creationists. When you wander into territory on the Web controlled by atheists, you'll invariably find posts by tinhorns who think they're geniuses because they are raising things about the Bible that they consider contradictions (which have been answered time and again for centuries), items that they reckon to be unfair (based on taking things out of context and subjecting them t...

For Christmas — A Victory for American Religious Freedom

Although atheism is on the slide , anti-Christian bigotry is increasing and secularists are increasing their efforts to remove our established freedoms. There are good people to stand up to them. The American Center for Law and Justice had a victory regarding Nativity scenes on public land, which you can read about here .

Mosque, Meet My Pig Farm!

Here's a good one. Muslims buy some land and want to build a mosque ( a symbol of Islamic victory ). A guy has owned land there for some time. He is a pig farmer. They have the audacity to ask him to move. Nothing doing. So, he gets creative:

The King of America

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen "We recognize no Sovereign but God and no King but Jesus." — John Hancock & John Adams I really hate to break this to you, but America was founded upon Christian principles. OK, I'm messing with you; I do not hate to break it to you! Image source: US National Weather Service One aspect of the "progressive" agenda in its quest to eradicate religion from life is to rewrite history. They attempt to minimize the words of the founding fathers in several ways: They claim that statements attributed to the founders were taken out of context They claim that the founders were "Deists", as if to minimize (or neutralize) their remarks They claim that if the founders really did say those things, they were afraid of being ostracized (what a joke to anyone who knows anything about the character of these men) They claim that the quotes were never really said at all "I conceive we cannot better express ourselve...