Facebook Futility — Observations and Suggestions
"I know he has been subjected to utterly ridiculous bans and deletions on that obviously biased social interaction site. If Facebook keeps up the liberal censorship and arbitrary punishment of conservatives and creationists, it could lose the market share. It is only a matter of time before another site would step up to take their place. Remember, it didn't take long for FB to make Myspace obsolete." — Radar , in reference to this writer I have two aspects that I want to discuss here. First, overall Internet safety guidelines and Facebook. Second, Facebook's blatant discrimination and bullying against political Conservatives , conservative Christians, and biblical creationists. Facebook has changed over the years. Along with other social media, they grab the rights to use your photos . But the rules change frequently, so that could be outdated and modified already. One problem is that Facebook requires people to use their real names and information. The reaso