Learning to Photograph Better
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People require illustrations on posts and such, but there is a risk of copyright infringement. I cringe when I see bloggers and site owners using images that are not free to use, as they are risking disciplinary action from their providers, or even lawsuits. Shoot your own pics, Sherman. Although I do not always have item-specific photos and illustrations when necessary (use extreme caution , many can be found). Sometimes I use related images — occasionally with effects, especially my own pictures . Part of what I call "nature therapy" (seriously, get out in nature) is taking pictures. Esopus Lighthouse on left, barge on right, all on Hudson River (photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen) This child is old enough to remember being selective when taking snapshots because we had to send them away for processing and pay for them. Even the crummy ones. It's so different now. We can use digital cameras and take dozens or hundreds at a setting, depending on stora...