
Showing posts with the label Answers in Genesis

A Silent Contradiction on the Birthplace of Jesus?

At this time of year, misotheists and professing Christians of a liberal bent make their disbelief in the Bible known. Documentaries on television and articles in secular sources give actual Bible believers little or no credence. One does not need to even be a theist, let alone believe in biblical inerrancy, to be a professor of the New Testament. It is important for Christians to use critical thinking when dealing with alleged experets. In this case, one indicated that since two of the Gospels do not mention that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the silence is an implicit contradiction. Christmas Nativity Scene, Pixabay / Andreas Böhm They didn't mention Bethlehem? This child's first response was, "Huh. How about that?"  Calling the omission of the birthplace of Jesus a possible contradiction is a massive argument from silence, old son. In police investigations, the witnesses are separated to keep them from discussing the details with each other. That cuts down on influe...

Prophecies and Christmas

One of the most difficult aspects of the Bible for scoffers to ignore is fulfilled prophecies, of which there are many in the Bible. Those regarding the birth of Jesus are found in several Old Testament books, all the way back to the protoevangelium of Genesis 3:15. (Even his death on a cross was prophesied in Psalm 22:12-18, long before the Romans even existed.) It is impossible for Jesus to have fulfilled prophecies by accident , and many were usually not known until after his Resurrection. Prophet Isaiah by Fra Bartolomeo, 1516 In Isaiah 7:14, for example, we read that Jesus would be born of a virgin. Micah 5:2 tells us of his birthplace. Old Testament scribes knew the prophecies, which helps belie the claim of scoffers that they were written down afterward to make Jesus look good. (If you study on it, that's ludicrous even on the surface to claim that a holy God who hates lying would condone such a practice.) Many prophecies were fulfilled at the birth of Jesus. There are als...

Moses and the Resurrection of Jesus?

As many Christian apologists know, all believers must sanctify Christ as Lord and be ready to give a reasoned defense for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15). Misotheists and other anti-creationists claim to love science and reason, but many are weak in these areas. Left: Christ Resurrected / Herbert Gustave Schmalz, 1890 Right: Prayer of Moses after the Israelites go through the Red Sea / Ivan Kramskoy, 1861 God's Word tells us that those who claim that God does not exist are suppressing the truth in unrighteousness and are without excuse (Rom. 1:18-23). In addition, the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God (1 Cor. 1:20-25), and we have the Holy Spirit living in us, so we can see through God's leading and the Bible how worldly wisdom is at odds with true wisdom. With these truths in mind, Christians should easily be able to see why it is improper and unbiblical to argue from an evidence-only position that puts God on trial. This is can also be clearly seen when  argu...

Celebrating Apollo 11 Splashdown 50th Anniversary

As a child, I was excited watching the Apollo 11 events. Of course, the details are fuzzy fifty years later, but I was excited to celebrate the anniversary. There are many details that the public did not know and I learned some of these just in the past few days. This helped me appreciate the events more fully, especially the skill of the crew and all the people involved that made it all happen. NASA  image modified through  FotoSketcher Can you believe some tinhorns (often flat-earthers) think that the whole thing was a fraud? Yeah, sure, as if all those thousands of people over all those years could keep the entire Apollo program a secret!  Idiots.  Many of these people (including astronauts) were Christians and creationists , by the way. As a child playing with my space toys during the flight, landing, and so on, I was impatient. There were many details involved that needed to be performed with minute precision; it wasn't like they could do the equivalent...

Religious Freedom, Free Speech, and Question Evolution Day

In these here United States and several other Western countries, people have the right to free speech. The US Constitution also guarantees freedom of religion. There are atheists and other anti-creationists who flat out lie , saying that Christians are violating the "Constitutional separation of church and state", but that only appeared in the Soviet Union documents. The Apostle Paul explains the tenets of faith in the presence of King Agrippa, his sister Berenice, and the proconsul Festus /Vasily Surikov, 1875 Atheists will lie and harass Christians who often have to take their case to court to fight for their rights. Unfortunately, some professing Christians have a wrong view, saying that it is "Christlike" to endure such persecution. That view is unbiblical.Some owlhoots may claim that since the term religious freedom is not in the Bible, it must not be true. It helps to know our rights, and yes, we can stand up for them. After all, if we sit back and le...

Zoroaster and Monotheism

As a kid, I liked watching Zoroaster, as portrayed by Guy Williams. He wore a mask, fought for justice in Spanish California, and slash a Z with his sword — "No, Cowboy Bob! You're thinking of Zorro! " Oh, right. I was wondering why he started a religion over yonder, in Persia and India. Now it's time to stop playing with words and get serious. The history of Zoroaster (Zarathustra, and other names) is controversial, and is generally considered to have lived long before Jesus. Some two-bit tinhorns say that Christianity stole concepts from Zoroastrianism and Mithraism , but examinations of source documents show that such is not the case. Public domain image attributed to Clavis Artis, an alchemy manuscript, via Wikimedia Commons Zoroastrianism is considered monotheistic, but that is not entirely accurate because. They have a God, but also have an immortal counterpart for evil. Christianity does not have Satan as God's equal, but as a created being who...

No Reason to Doubt the Resurrection of Jesus

The bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead is the lynchpin of Christianity, because without it, our faith is in vain (1 Cor. 15:14, 19). The Creator of the universe (John 1:1, Col. 1:16) took on human form (he pitched his tent among us, John 1:14) and died on a cross for our sins (Phil. 2:6-11). Jesus defeated death by rising from the grave (Hebrews 2:14, Romans 1:4). Indeed, the entire Bible lays out God's plan of redemption of mankind from sin. Credit: Pixabay / acperez1 Some folks do not want to accept the historical narrative of the Bible. This is clearly from bias, not logic. Compare the Bible with legends and the sacred books of other religions, and there is a marked contrast: details. Other accounts are vague while the Bible gives specifics, many of which have been corroborated through archaeology and history. Mockers have attempted to come up with ways of dismissing the Resurrection, but those fail under scrutiny. The New Testament documents are abundant, the o...

Science Does Not Correct Itself

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a connotation of science  where scientists gather information, make a hypothesis, test it, revise as necessary, it becomes a theory, and eventually a law. Somewhere along the line the thing gets put out to pasture if the facts are recalcitrant. Such a view is not only naïve, but ignores human nature. Scientists are human, after all.  Scoffing at new material One expression I have encountered when discussing the origins controversy is that "science corrects itself". Aside from the reification fallacy ( science  is not a living thing, but scientists may correct themselves), this has been shown to be false — often in areas of technology. Great inventors were laughed at, such as Robert Fulton and the Wright brothers. It was said that if people move too fast (aside from dangerous acceleration, change of direct, and deceleration), they would have physical problems or even die. Scoffers were silenced by results. Some people attribute this ...

Archaeology Supports the Bible

People who doubt the authenticity of the Bible, whether unbelievers or liberal "Christians", will occasionally appeal to archaeology in their attempts to reject God's Word and continue riding the owlhoot trail. However, they are showing massive ignorance as well as relying on fallacious reasoning. Although the Christian's faith is based on the Word of God , there is  evidence for our beliefs. Maybe I'm unusual, but I actually found the material I rounded up and presented below to be rather exciting. Credit: Pixabay /  Heather Truett Archaeology is a newer science when compared to some of the more established disciplines. The subject matter requires careful excavation of unoccupied areas. This is a huge reason that Jerusalem and other areas are left alone, as not only do people live there, but buildings are erected on much older foundations.  When some people claim that the Bible is historically inaccurate because certain things have not been discovered by...

Morality and the Crowd

The source of morality is disputed among secularists, some claim that it comes from evolution, some say it is based on society, some postulate other sources. People who have a materialistic view of morality cannot  have a consistent moral standard, and end up with disastrous speculations  when they suppress the truth. Riot in the Galleria , Umberto Boccioni, 1909 I reckon it should be common sense that you can't follow the crowd. (Isn't following society's dictates a form of just "following the crowd"?) I don't like crowds, you never know when they can get mean. Things get out of hand, next thing you know, the saloon's ceiling is shot full of holes, the town marshal and his buddies show up, and guys spend a few nights in lockup, even after they get sober. Individually, if you asked these rambunctious patrons about right and wrong, they'd have told you differently than what they did that night in the saloon. Those jaspers knew better than to get r...

Bill Nye the Atheism Shill Guy Rides Again

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Many people are baffled as to why a saddle tramp comedy actor turned children's television show host who never bothered to get an advanced science degree is considered an expert on practically everything. Bill Nye is calle d a "science guy", and did fairly well when he did actual science. Amazingly, his net worth is rated at 6.5 million USD , probably because atheistic propaganda pays well — just ask C. Richard Dawkins . Nye hopes to gain more from his lawsuit against Disney . Why he did not sue years ago, I have no idea. Even so, if he deserves the money, he should get it. The way I see the way things happening, he became popular when he attacked biblical creationists, and especially Answers in Genesis. Dr. Georgia Purdom of AiG challenged Nye to a debate (which he dodged) , and he eventually settled for a debate with Ken Ham, who has a bachelor's degree in applied science . Ham also earned a Diploma of Education so he could become a sc...

Clean Living and the Bible

Seems that when something is written and then shared about something beneficial in the Bible, mockers will invariably make vacuous comments about "fairy tales written by illiterate Bronze Age goat herders", and then congratulate themselves on the superior intellect of The Mighty Atheist™. If they were intellectually honest, they'd be forced to admit that there are things contained within that are helpful in many ways. No, this post isn't exactly about morality, it's about physical cleanliness. The Bible has a lot to say, and if people paid attention, quite a few situations involving the spread of disease would have been contained. For that matter, although homosexuality is an abomination before God, it also spreads disease . The Healing of Ten Lepers , James Tissot, 1886-1896, Brooklyn Museum Ever see that first Alien movie? We were saying, "Don't open the door and let the guy into the ship!" (As if anyone could hear us, obey, and we'd...

Induced Morality

The public has a strange relationship with the secular science industry. Some adore it and put their unquestioning faith in it (Scientism), such as I saw years ago in response to a question: "Scientists will come up with a pill for it or something". Others have a mixture of trust and increasing suspicion, especially since the secular science industry has been betraying that trust . Now there's speculation that morality could be done by ingesting certain chemicals. Made at  Custom Prescription Maker This should raise alarm among thinking people: whose  morality? Most likely, it would depend on those in power. Atheists and other secularists have no consistent foundation for morality, and some seek it through evolutionism . Some owlhoots believe that they are doing good when they are doing evil. As a Bible-believing Christian, I do not want secularist "values" shoved down my throat — which could happen literally. We often take pills to feel healthier, to e...

Lying, Science, and the Bible

Howdy! Hope all y'all are having a great Question Evolution Day ! When someone commences to telling lies, it usually brings an uncomfortable feeling along with it — at first. More lies get told, and it becomes easier. Some folks are so used to lying, they do it automatically. There are those who get so accustomed to lying, they are suspicious of others, even becoming unable to discern deception from disagreement, humor, or error — especially when they have a precommitment of rejecting the truth of another's position. This is easily seen in atheists and anti-creationists, who are unwilling to even consider the truth of biblical creation science, or to admit that God exists (Rom. 1:18-23, Psalm 53:1). Image credit: Freeimages / Christian Carollo When someone lies, it often escalates in another way: having to tell more of them to make a convincing story. Lots of details need to be kept straight, and the whole tall tale becomes so cumbersome that people get caught by the d...

The Deadly Religion of Atheism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the most common mantras of the religion of atheism is the lie that religion is the cause of most wars . Not hardly! If we exclude atheism from a list of religions, we find that their claim is completely false . Instead of using a false over-generalization of "religion", they could be more accurate by demonizing governments as the cause of wars. The fact is, atheism is a vicious, murderous worldview. If you study on it, you'll see that professing atheists proclaim "reason", and then proceed to flagrantly abuse the process (such as the illegitimate complaint used against the Ark Encounter that the money used there could feed starving children ). In fact, the claim to be "rational" and "freethinkers" because they reject God strongly implies that Christians and other "religious" people are not rational or able to think freely. This is clearly untrue, as many of the greatest minds, past and pres...

Atheism, Morality, and the Rise of the "Nones"

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Despite claims of professing atheists that their worldview is dramatically increasing in followers, they only account for 3.1 percent of the population in the United States in 2014, with 4.0 percent claiming to be agnostic. There is an increase in the "nones" , people who claim no particular affiliation. (Globally, Christianity is on the rise , especially in countries where Christians are actively persecuted.) Some atheists consider the "nones" to be a victory for atheism. Not so fast, Freddie. There are people who are unaffiliated with a particular religious organization, but that does not mean that they have renounced their faith and embraced the irrational religion of atheism . It does mean, however, that people are not joining up with churches, or are even leaving them because they don't like what their church teaches. In my case, I was raised in the liberal United Methodist Church, but that outfit chose to ride the Owlhoot Trail ...