
Showing posts with the label mindless sheep

Homosexual Rights Advocates Are Bullying People

Buona sera. This is a good follow-up to the previous post . I am not entirely pleased with the tone of the article that follows, but that's the breaks. Once again, I'll state that the loaded word "homophobic" (which has become essentially meaningless, but still inflames negative emotions) can be used to cost people their jobs, their political positions, their social status, &c. That negative label (used by mindless sheep who prefer to attack and ridicule rather than discuss) is inaccurate for the overwhelming majority of people; those of us who disagree with their lifestyles on societal, cultural or religious grounds do not phobe any homos. "You keep using that expression, Cowboy Bob. I don't think it means..." Don't start with me now, Nicky. As the gay-rights movement advances, there is increasing evidence of an intriguing role reversal: Today, it is the conservative opponents of that movement who seem eager to depict themsel...

Homophobic - Or Homo-Skeptical?

Buon giorno. This article could almost be a "Logic Lesson" because it touches on a particular fallacy. Keep reading to see what I mean. The term "homophobic" has lost its original meaning long ago. Today, it is pretty much a meaningless term that is used to carry emotion and poison the well ; that is, if I say that Alex is a homophobe, that will make you less inclined to believe whatever Alex is trying to say, even on the remote chance that he is actually right for once. It is very convenient to do a drive-by labeling of someone with this term, especially if emotions are high and the gang is already predisposed to hate the other person. Being a "homophobe" is the current trendy hate-word. Idiots are ready and willing to believe the accusation without proof. Why bother to discuss something when you can hate. I have said several times that I do not phobe any homos. It is simply a matter of disagreeing with their lifestyles as a matter of culture and ...