
Showing posts from September 16, 2018

The Secular Science Industry and Gender Confusion

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is indeed unfortunate that people have a love-hate relationship with the secular science industry. Because of numerous errors and even outright fraud, people are getting mighty suspicious about science. However, people also tend to look to scientists as our saviors, which is a horrendous mistake because scientists are human, and have the same vices as most other folks. Background image before added text: Pixabay / Gordon Johnson We have seen that the secular science industry is nowhere near impartial, and they ride for the leftist brand. This includes participating in leftist activism . As time goes on, these scientists are indulging in political correctness and supporting "gender dysphoria", which is a medically dangerous practice — as well as defying science and the God who created us. The articles linked above have some valuable information, and perhaps carry some of the urgency of what is happening. By my reckoning, people who think ...