Modern Creation Scientists Refuting Atheism and Evolution
One of the cornerstones of atheism is evolution , which is their creation myth. Atheists and other anti-creationists have been known to say, "There is no such thing as creation science". These sidewinders also tend to ridicule scientists who are creationists, saying that they are not "real" scientists". I lack belief that those making such claims have done any investigation, preferring instead to use prejudicial conjecture, straw man arguments, and outright lying. Credit: Pixabay / Konstantin Kolosov The view that someone must be an atheist or naturalist to be a scientist is false. Many of those who put the foundations of modern science in place were creationists, and current creationists have contributed to their disciplines and been published in science journals , often despite the blatant discrimination against creationists as a whole. It is interesting that several biblical creationists began as atheists and eventually realized that recent creation