
Showing posts from April 3, 2011

Atheist Standards of Morality - Part 1

Edit: Tweaked for wording. Buon giorno. Part 2 of this set should be up in a week or two, when the audio becomes available. I had some nice talks on the radio with an apologist... But never mind about that now. One of the apologetics podcasts that I hear is Greg Koukl on " Stand to Reason ". He is yet another former atheist turned apologist for the Christian faith. He has a radio show , and gives monologues as well as receives calls (presumably from people who have not insulted his family online like they have done to other podcasters ). They have materials for defending the faith. Greg and his fellow apologists give lectures, have debates, write articles, are staunch pro-lifers — you know, busy. Here is a section from the podcast for April 3, 2011 . I did not want to have you wait through the fishing stories and other materials; Greg has almost three hours that he does each week, so there are less intense discussions as well. Anyway. This discussion with a caller touche...

CARM - Discussion with a Deist

Buona sera. In a repeat (archived) program, Matt Slick of CARM spent most of the hour with a caller who was a deist (ninety percent atheist). This was a good discussion. While I do not necessarily agree with all of Matt's Calvinist positions, I do like the way he was sparking the caller to examine his own logic and presuppositions. Since it was not an actual structured debate, the topic wandered a bit. They spent some time on eternal punishment and damnation, and also touched on the reliability of the Bible. Intelligent people will find it interesting. Also, it shows that Matt is not a monster if callers are not obstreperous, capcie? You can find the broadcast here .

Christians Losing Rights in Dearbornistan, Michigan

Answering Muslims: Sharia Judge Michael J. Callahan Nullifies the Fourth Amendment Rights of Christians in Michigan