Dan Barker's Fundamentally Flawed Rationale

Dan Barker of the Freedom from Religion Foundation seems like a heckuva nice guy. Unlike so many of the obstreperous atheists on the Web, he is intelligent, respectful and polite. But I am only basing this on a couple of interviews on Christian radio shows that I heard. Still, he does not have a reputation for being nasty. The first one I heard was with Matt Slick of CARM . An attempt to schedule a debate had fallen through, so Dan was a guest in the studio with Matt. There was no specific agenda or topic. To listen to that, click here , but do not click on the "listen now" button. Instead, use the link "Carm_Podcast_2-7" to get the MP3 . Also, Matt had a show where he discussed a debate he had with Barker a few years earlier, that show is here . When hearing this show, I had feelings similar to those that Matt expressed, how so much was touched upon and a week of one-hour shows could stem from it. Barker had numerous instances of bad reasoning, word games, ...