Creation, Conservatives, and Fighting for Free Speech

If the Grinch was a leftist, he might say, "Free speech is speech I can't stand in the least!" Let's face it, political correctness is primarily an effort to suppress free speech. Who are the biggest proponents of political correctness? Liberals, of course! They resort to labeling and name-calling, especially if someone holds to traditional Christian and Conservative values. If you point out that the Bible calls homosexuality a sin, you're a homophobe (a meaningless term used to provoke emotion; I don't phobe homos, or heteros, for that matter). If you point out the minority-status national origin of a criminal, you're a racist. Say that there are some things women just can't do, you're a sexist. Ban an obstreperous atheopath from trampling a Christian or creationist site, you're a censor (news flash, Skippy, you were banned for being an obnoxious buffoon, not for being a threat to our beliefs, and certainly not for using logic). Liberals ...