
Showing posts from January 27, 2008

Entitlement Mentality

Stand back. Stormbringer's thundering again, and lightning is shooting out of his eyes. You remember a while back when I railed about welfare slobs. But one in particular keeps setting me off, and I'm going to use this insufferable creature as an example of my point. Imagine being 25 years old and having no intention of getting a job. Not only that, but expecting to be taken care of. Her mother works extra jobs to pay her bills, and this bitch has no shame in watching the old girl work herself into an early grave. And she's collecting welfare, too. Expecting, as a right, to get handouts from the government and from other people. Laziness creates more laziness, greed creates more greed. Funny how those things go together. This particular "person" will sponge and sponge off people, always looking for more. The money is free , not worked for (as in "job"), and she calls it "her" money, and doesn't want to spend "her" money on nece