Liars, Accusers and Other Sycophants
Revised 19 May 2013. I have writte n about this before , but it's time to have another go at it and make it better. It's about accusations of "liar". Some other people and I took someone to task in a forum for using the pathetically obtuse and detestable accusation, "liar for Jesus", something that people like this probably picked up from Dawkins . I have yet to see that garbage used by someone who was not simply attempting to provoke a negative reaction. Here are some reasons that this libelous phrase is agonizingly stupid: It implies that the accuser knows the motives of the person, including a desire to deceive The accuser does not stop to consider that God does not condone lying How it is inconsistent to accuse someone of lying to get someone to believe in a holy God Judging from my own observations and experience, other accusations of "liar" come from people who are unable to differentiate between lies and a difference of opini...