
Showing posts with the label Question Evolution Day

Totalitarian Leftists Hijacking Science

The influence of Darwin's ideas has not been confined to biology, and has influenced other sciences. Unfortunately, these fundamentally flawed concepts have been applied to western society as social Darwinism, giving us eugenics , justification for abortion, and influencing tyrants . For Question Evolution Day , we will see some examples of how leftist ideologies, influenced by Darwinism, have hijacked much of the secular science industry. Charles Darwin hated God and the Bible, and that view influenced his version of the evolution myth. Other people who wanted to rebel against God as well as theistic evolutionists (a religious fifth column working to nullify biblical theology) embraced those views. Since evolution is pervasive throughout the secular science industry, actual truth-seeking science has been hijacked by leftists who propagate evolutionism. The battle of worldviews is clearly evident. It is interesting to this child that with postmodernism and truth being consi...

Religious Freedom, Free Speech, and Question Evolution Day

In these here United States and several other Western countries, people have the right to free speech. The US Constitution also guarantees freedom of religion. There are atheists and other anti-creationists who flat out lie , saying that Christians are violating the "Constitutional separation of church and state", but that only appeared in the Soviet Union documents. The Apostle Paul explains the tenets of faith in the presence of King Agrippa, his sister Berenice, and the proconsul Festus /Vasily Surikov, 1875 Atheists will lie and harass Christians who often have to take their case to court to fight for their rights. Unfortunately, some professing Christians have a wrong view, saying that it is "Christlike" to endure such persecution. That view is unbiblical.Some owlhoots may claim that since the term religious freedom is not in the Bible, it must not be true. It helps to know our rights, and yes, we can stand up for them. After all, if we sit back and le...

Genetic Tampering, Ethics, and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is an important topic for any day, but even more so for Question Evolution Day . Western civilization has strong Christian roots which have, in turn, effected ethics. That is mighty helpful, since modern science was mostly founded because of the biblical worldview . Unfortunately, with postmodernism, Darwinism, and materialism galloping wild and free, ethical and moral concerns in science are fading into the background. One example is of scientists who want to keep human embryos alive even longer before killing them . Other countries do not have such ethical constraints from the get-go. China has been working on the CRISPR genome editing tool, and are "unfettered by rules". While we have ethical concerns , the ChiComs are materialists and force atheism on their people, so we know where their "morality" will lead.  In addition, China is moving forward with cloning, announcing that they have successfully cloned two monkeys. The co...

Go to the Source

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For Question Evolution Day , I reckoned I'd point out a major bit of weirdness that anti-creation tinhorns saddle up and ride. I've seen many logical fallacies that they use, and try to not only watch my own reasoning, but encourage Christians and creationists to learn about fallacies as well. This is to keep us from getting intimidated by bullies, but also to be more accurate in our own presentations and discussion. Many fallacies can be grouped together in the "red herring" category. That is, they're distractions. The ad hominem is the staple of atheists, saying things like, "You're stupid for believing in God and creation". Maybe I'm stupid, and my mother dressed me funny, too, but what does that have to do with the article's content? Another is the "straw man", where people put words in your mouth or otherwise misrepresent your position. "Hasty generalizations" are popular among atheis...

Establishing Evolutionary Religion in America

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Many parts of the world are becoming increasingly secularized (which may have  contributed to the recent terrorist attacks ), and the United States has also been riding that same trail. The rights of Christians are coming under increasing attack by atheistic owlhoots , and secular humanism is steadily becoming established as the state religion. Know what God says about people who deny him? See Psalm 14:1. Secular humanism is a religion by their own admission , philosophically , and by court rulings . While many atheists such as Clinton Richard Dawkins are calling this a " major victory ", some dishonest atheists are still trying to change reality and deny that humanism is a religion . They accept the religion of evolutionism as foundational (but deny that evolutionism is a religious): " Humans are an integral part of nature, the result of unguided evolutionary change. Humanists recognize nature as self-existing. " Atheists  like Mi...

Evolution, the Illuminati, and Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For Question Evolution Day , I decided to write some thoughts about the Illuminati and conspiracies. According to some people, the Illuminati is a secret organization that seeks world domination, and has a strong influence in the affairs of governments. I understand that they're also spying on individuals, and some accounts tell us that they want to take over the world for Satan.  Yes, the Illuminati started out as a secret organization, and people link them to another secret organization, the Freemasons. They have also been allied with the Anunnaki, who are (according to some accounts) our reptilian masters from outer space who also control the world. The details are sketchy about their power and alliances, and vary greatly, some tales are extremely far-fetched. How secret are they, then? People seem to "know" a great deal about them. They are writing Weblogs and posting in social media all over the place. When people make the devil hand ...

Questions for Creationists on Question Evolution Day

To celebrate the third annual Question Evolution Day , I'm going to keep this post simple. Here is a video that is just under half an hour. It's from Ian Juby's "Genesis Week", and contains information that anti-creationists ignore, ridicule, misrepresent and do whatever they can to keep people from hearing the truth and thinking for themselves. Go ahead, you know you want to watch it!

Keeping Busy in 2014

Buon giorno. I hope you're having a good New Year's Day, and wish you a prosperous and blessed 2014. This is pretty much a check-in. As you can see, this Weblog is mostly dormant. Since I have put a great deal of effort into many of the articles, I keep it for reference. And some articles have repeated traffic, and I don't want to disappoint those people, capice? I have two heartfelt New Year's articles if you're interested. The first one is at Radaractive, where I do occasional guest posts. It's called "Secularist 'Wisdom'" . Second, and more New Year's related (and personal) is at Piltdown Superman, " The End at the Beginning ".  My main effort is my Weblog with material supporting biblical creation and refuting evolution, " Evolutionary Truth by Piltdown Superman ". The truth is, there is no truth in goo-to-you evolution; you've been lied to and only shown the happy spin of Darwin's Cheerleaders. Oh...

Haters Gonna Hate!


Atheist Research and Deception on Evolution Weekend

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It must drive Michael Zimmerman and other misotheists around the bend that there are people who are not interested in his "Evolution Weekend" apostasy drive. F'rinstance, there are Bible-believing Christians who take a stand and proclaim " Creation Sunday " every year since 2006. There are also people involved in the grassroots " Question Evolution Day ", started by yours truly in 2012. It was inspired by the " Question Evolution! " campaign. One part of "Question Evolution Day" includes the use of the " 15 Questions for Evolutionists " presented by CMI . (I was honored that they liked my video and included it in their "15 Questions" page.) As I've said for a while now, hate stupidifies. (For the atheopath readers, that's stupid-i-fies, it makes people stupid.) Their emotions cloud their reasoning abilities. I am not a reader of the "Huffington Post", even t...

Video: The Magic of Evolution

To be a consistent atheist, you cannot follow where the evidence leads. At least, not if you see that the evidence shows evolution is not science and that there is a Creator. No, even though the Creator is the rational conclusion, emotion and blind hate keep the irrational atheist from getting there. Instead, they have to believe in some magical things that defy reason. Things that lead them to the magical fairyland of evolution, and seething, bitter hatred for Bible believers and for  Question Evolution Day, February 12 . Edit: For those who claim that evolution is not concerned with the origin of life, and that such a thing is not even taught, that is the opposite of the truth. Here is one example .

More Support for "Question Evolution Day", February 12!

Creationist filmmaker Ian Juby has excellent material. His videos are extremely popular . It's no wonder, with his personality and great humor, I don't see how people can dislike him. Disagree? Of course they do. Atheopaths love to hate creationist material, and creationists, and Christians, just for the sake of hating. But I digress. Helpful hint for misotheists: Click for larger Ian was kind enough to give " Question Evolution Day " a mention. Nice that it fit into what he was doing, eh? Here is the part of the video that I liked the most (edited, and lower quality so it fits): Here is the real thing in all it's creation science-affirming splendor: