
Showing posts with the label reason

Atheism, Libel, Cowardice and (ir) RationalWiki

Most of the Internet atheists that I have encountered are big and bold about being "rational". But they are not content to believe that they are smarter than us st00pid dumb Xtians. No, they need to troll and attack people. (I fully believe that many do this because they are simply childish bullies attempting to bolster their egos.) For example, this gem appeared at " The Question Evolution Project ": This was a simple-minded attack, incorporating Bunches-o-Fallacies® and emotionalism, but no rational thought. They like to offer opinions based on titles, introductions and summaries, but usually ignore entire articles and supporting links. I have said before that I can see no valid reason for demonizing Christians (and especially creationists ). Such immature behavior not only helps illustrate the natural failings of the religion of atheism , but increases the negative public perception of atheists . Indeed, these irrational and emotion-driven atheists make ...

Video: No Evidence for God

This video is short and fast-moving, showing that the claim, "There is no evidence for God" (laughable on the surface) is irrational.

Adoration of an Atheist Pope

How can people who claim to love "reason" bow down and worship the atheist popes? Especially Richard Dawkins. His emotive rantings are inconsistent and illogical, and his "morality" is sadly lacking. Most people who want to get along with others will not get in their faces and ridicule their beliefs, but that is what Daffy Dawkins advise s. When inquiring about how much money Dawkins is worth (about an 'undred million quid according to the 2012 "Rich List" of the Sunday Times ), people get defensive and ask, "Why do you want to know?", or say, "It's none of your business". Yes, misotheists flat-out lie about the amount of money that creationists and ID proponents have, but it's perfectly acceptable to get rich from hatred and religious bigotry. Double Standard, thy name is "atheist". Dawkins lied about a debate that he lost, claiming that it never took place . Now he is ready — to dodge debates . Probably ...

More On Atheistic Reasoning

While going through some forums and Weblogs, I found some old hate mail, comments and so on. The terrible reasoning skills of atheists and evolutionists is astonishing. Most of the modern Internet atheists on pa-TROLL are consumed with hate for God and his people, and seek to destroy the faith of others. (Do they give Mohammedans even one tenth of the vitriol that they spew on Christians? Of course not! That should give a reasonable person something to think about.) A large number are bitter apostates who are so stupidified by their hatred that they cannot put two coherent thoughts together. Also, there is an unbelievable amount of (unwarranted) pride in them. I have noticed some consistent patterns: Blaming. Their problems are the fault of others. Playing the victim card. Not only will they blame other for their problems, but they tend to have an "Oh, poor me!" attitude — especially when someone stands up to their attacks, then they turn from aggressor into a chi...

Atheist Justifications for Bad Behavior

It should no longer amaze me when atheists act irrationally, but it does. They proclaim "reason" as if they had exclusive rights to it. In fact, I have seen precious little in the way of reasoning processes from atheists. (I suspect that more civil atheists are uninterested in trolling, and are embarrassed by the Internet trolls.) They commit multiple logical fallacies, and then justify their bad logic with more of it — I have lost count of the number of times I have experienced this online. So many modern atheists use the fallacies and attempt to manipulate emotions to control the flow of conversations. (I recently trapped some particularly vituperative atheists by saying that they are incapable of rational discourse. When one with an obscene name attempted to dictate the terms of the conversation, I declined to go along with it. S/he reacted with railings, accusations and so forth, and others joined in. (Part of it was resentment at being caught in my trap and try...

Short Video: Is Atheism the "Intelligent Choice"?


Atheism, Logic and True Reason

Buona sera. Reports from the (Un) Reason Rally of atheists (a religious gathering to celebrate that they hate religions and do not believe in anything, go figure). The hypocrisy of the rally and especially of Dawkins is documented. Their intolerance of others had been made abundantly clear (again), as is the encouragement to engage in bullying . Not that they needed encouragement, capice? Some of us have been pointing out that these people who claim to love reason, logic and so on are not very good at those very things. The rally did not have arguments in favor of atheism. Instead, just anti-Christian invective and empty rhetoric. I'll mention intolerance again for emphasis. In a discussion at Evidence 4 Faith 's March 25, 2012 podcast, Keith Kendrix had several guests in the studio who attended the rally. I found it to be very interesting, and suggest that it is well worth an hour of your time. You can click on the link above and go to the "Podcasts" link, or d...

The Religion of Atheism

In many practical aspects, atheism is a religion. "How can you say that, Cowboy Bob? Atheism is a lack of belief in gods". Yeah, sure. That's the cop-out redefinition, not the real definition . Except not all atheists got the memo , and some are confused. As I was saying, in many practical aspects, atheism is a religion . It is a philosophy of life and conduct, and has many of the trappings of organized religion. Although atheists will tell you that they believe in "reason", they actually have a religion that is based on faith. A lot of it. I can't go there, Girlfriend. In the United States, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that atheism is a religion The US Supreme Court ruled that atheism is a religion . Secular Humanism (a masque for atheism), received comments from the US Supreme Court that it is a religion (one of these groups wanted tax-exempt status as a religion) Atheists adore their religious leaders like Richard "...

Time Wasters: Making Your Own Rules

"What Naaman did was childish. It was foolish. It was an insult to his intellectual dignity. But what he did cured his leprosy. He was cured because of his faith, his humility and his obedience. God was the one who healed him, but the way to his healing came through the very low door of humility."   — Ray Comfort Buon giorno. I thought I could take the week off because I had five days' postings all lined up on Sunday, but no, another inspiration hit me. And yes, I said that philosophical debates become a waste of time. I'm going to give you some of my philosophy. You can sit there and look pretty. Nicky, you can just sit there. When it comes to presenting evidence for the existence of God, the validity of the Bible &c., I have observed several "brick walls" constructed to disallow contrary viewpoints. As far as I'm concerned, this comes down to "making your own rules".  This tactic is used when a mind is made up and does not...

Blind Hate

Edited 5 August 2011 Buona sera. Do you know that old group of Clapton's and Winwood's called "Blind Faith"? Well, this has nothing to do with it. I have a lesson, with some illustrations from my recent experiences in Trollsville. Sounds like a new game from Zynga, doesn't it? Well, my game was unpleasant, and yet, there were laughable experiences. Here is the point, then I will explain it: You can become so blinded by hate that you miss out on some good things. If your criteria for whether someone is "acceptable" to you is based on qualifiers, be careful. People have chosen to hate me because I am a Christian, because I am not (denomination), because I am a Conservative, because I work for — waitaminnit, you almost got me there. Can't tell you that. But what good is it to have such severe limiting factors? "You Xtians are all stupid and worthless, neener neener!" That guy is missing out on valuable information. Just today, I...

Is There a Conflict Between Science and Religion?

Buon giorno. Today is the three-year anniversary of Stormbringer's Thunder. (Waits as cheering and thunderous applause quiets down.) I'm on vacation. To celebrate this momentous event, I'm referring you to an article posted elsewhere. Also, I'm going to ask you to come back tomorrow for something really important. But first... "It was my science that drove me to the conclusion that the world is much more complicated than can be explained by science ... It was only through the supernatural that I can understand the mystery of existence ... Many scientists are now driven to faith by their very work." - Allan Sandadge Take a look a "A Scientist Reflects on Religious Belief". Click here .

Liberal Kids These Days

Gather 'round, kids. Uncle Bob has another story to tell. This one is true (and I do tell you when they're not), but I'm not going to give names and locations because I don't want to cause undue embarrassment. I have proof, but that's only for my own satisfaction and not for public view. Also, I pieced together some of the details after the excitement. I was messing with an instant messenger and picking on the daughter of one of my goomah's . She's in college, and I started playing. She did not know who I was, but the clues were there and she would have figured it out. Why didn't she? She's a bright girl. The problem was that she has a jealous, controlling boyfriend that was right there. He took over the messaging and started in on me. The girl had told him she knew who it was, but he was having a good time thinking that he was ripping me a new one. He dared to accuse me of sexual harassment, which was laughably untrue. (I have plenty of girlfriends...