
Showing posts with the label materialism

Leftist Political Activists in the Secular Science Industry

If there is anyone left who thinks that scientists are impartial and motivated by facts, they need to drop those illusions quick-like. Scientists have the same qualities and fallacies as the rest of us, but are committed to a worldview of atheistic materialism — with atoms-to-aerobiologist evolution at the forefront. At many points in history, the "intellectual class" would exert influence on governments for elitist rule. After all, they were educated and "smarter" than the commoners. This is happening today, and it is escalating. Adapted from an 1883 image by Kate Greenaway Elitists desire power, and it has been glaringly evident in recent years, especially in the formerly United States. Political leftists are famous for spreading their propaganda. This includes the usual techniques of concentration and repetition, the big lie, arbitrary assertions, excluding inconvenient facts and other fallacies . "Follow the science" is shouted from the rooftops, but t...

More Leftist Activism from the Secular Science Industry

Something that I have discussed here, at Piltdown Superman , and elsewhere, is that scientists are people. They are not the unbiased seekers of knowledge and purveyors of truth that many people imagine. Instead, they have the same foibles, passions, tendencies toward avarice, altruism, and the same things that us reg'lar folk have. This includes using science for political agendas. Credit: NPS Photo by Kristen Lalumiere Most scientists in the secular science industry work from atheistic, naturalistic presuppositions, and are blind to their own biases . Since they believe in slime-to-sidewinder evolution, secularists tend to have a low view of humanity. They know that people have that unrealistic view of scientists as mentioned earlier, and use Scientism as a manipulative technique . After all, people "think" with their emotions instead of using reason far too often. (Why do you think people believe the fake news and "consensus science" nonsense saturating...

Genetic Tampering, Ethics, and Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This is an important topic for any day, but even more so for Question Evolution Day . Western civilization has strong Christian roots which have, in turn, effected ethics. That is mighty helpful, since modern science was mostly founded because of the biblical worldview . Unfortunately, with postmodernism, Darwinism, and materialism galloping wild and free, ethical and moral concerns in science are fading into the background. One example is of scientists who want to keep human embryos alive even longer before killing them . Other countries do not have such ethical constraints from the get-go. China has been working on the CRISPR genome editing tool, and are "unfettered by rules". While we have ethical concerns , the ChiComs are materialists and force atheism on their people, so we know where their "morality" will lead.  In addition, China is moving forward with cloning, announcing that they have successfully cloned two monkeys. The co...

Fundamentally Flawed Atheistic Reasoning

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Once again, I need to state that everyone has a worldview that is comprised of presuppositions (those things that we assume to be true without verification). Atheism is a weird belief with many aspects, and some people who profess atheism are actually agnostics (unsure of God's existence). I've even seen one tinhorn profess agnosticism and then jump the fence and identify as an atheist in the same post. So, atheists have a passel of presuppositions in their religion . I suspicion that some people want to call themselves atheists because they heard that atheists are the smartest people. That's demonstrably false. (It also leaves out the fact that many of the most brilliant people, past and present, have been not only Bible-believing Christians, but biblical creationists as well.) Often, Christians have challenged the claims of professing atheists, and the atheists are startled to find that they are not reasoning properly. That really puts a bur...

No True Atheist Doubts Atheism!

Atheism is in trouble. It is on the decline globally 1 , 2 , they are the least-liked, least trusted group 3 (but their status may have improved slightly since the surveys were taken), and they humiliate themselves and even other atheists with their antics 4 . Some will whine, "We're persecuted!" Seldom true. "You hate me because I'm an atheist!" Also seldom true, but you identify with anti-Christian bigots 5 , and that doesn't help you. Courtesy of Kirk Hastings , used with permission In addition, the idea of a universe that caused itself is philosophically and scientifically untenable 6 , and they hate that fact. One thing that militant atheopaths cannot tolerate is a defector, whether it is someone who leaves their religion 7 , or dares to question materialism since most rely on that. Materialistic evolution is also a tenet of fundamentalist atheism 8 . I've noticed that they seem to attack former atheists with amazing vitriol, a...