Outrageous Spam
Maybe I shouldn't be surprised anymore. After all, I've been around for quite a few years and seen many things. But I'm going to be a rat and squeak loudly. This one is something. The sender claims to be "Benny Crocker" . False sense of security, huh? The nice lady image in your mind of someone that helps you with good food and feeds you brownies or something. The other part is a dead giveaway, however. The headers say more about the sender: Received: from mail.haosen.com.cn (unknown []). "CN" is "China". ChiComs are trying to trick me? The boys in the crew are laughing almost as hard as I am. The loser's subject line is, "List of small companies in the USA". And the rest is: "many different fields such as company income, email, number of employees and more There are 17 million total records and 2 million emails Reduced to only: $299 - from today until this Friday Email us at: Jerome@BestAccurateReliable.com ...