
Showing posts with the label Leftist

The Easter Day of Transgender Visibility?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are millions of professing Christians, many celebrate the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today my wife is celebrating Easter with Jesus for the first time. I miss her, but my grief is tempered with the knowledge that I will see her again. Unbelievers and leftists taint and distort good things that were created. Biblical creationists are called "science deniers" because we reject fish-to-phlebotomist evolution, but those who believe that people can change genders really are  science deniers. Distorted woods, original image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Study on it a bit. A person's DNA is in every cell, and to change genders would mean to change that in all those trillions of cells. Taking hormones, changing clothing choices, forcing others to use preferred pronouns, having surgery — those are superficial changes. March 31 has been called the Transgender Day of Visibility where people who deny what God created demand to be celebrated. No...

Keeping My Wife at a Distance Online

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although nobody asked and I am under no obligation to explain myself, I will anyway. In several places, I have mentioned that I have a wife. (At Piltdown Superman when I'm writing in my cowboy character, I do not.) However, I never named or described her. The reason is quite simple: atheists and leftists. On more than one occasion, I have been physically threatened by them, especially angry misotheists. This only happened online, but some have stated they wanted to come over here — especially because I staunchly present creation science. Charlene at Niagara Falls in 2007 (?) EDIT: It occurred to me later that I left out a secondary factor. Years ago (and I am leaving off the sequence of events that led me to my reluctant conclusion), I could not have a Fakebook account under my real name. Apparently atheists in power there kept deleting my accounts, so I became someone else. She didn't call me by my real name when I was using that account. Although I la...

The Secular Science Industry is Weaponizing Science for Leftists

People think that scientists are dispassionate and aloof, but that is the opposite of reality. There are posts on this weblog and on Piltdown Superman  showing that the secular science industry is hell-bent on supporting leftist causes. (Again, there are scientists who just want to do their work and not bother with the cultural and political wars of their employers.) The organizations are getting way out of line. Instead of doing what they supposedly stand for, their campaigning is actually harmful to the public. Leftist elites love it, though. Democrats and other leftists utilize social(ist) media to supposedly combat misinformation (essentially, uninformed erroneous statements) and disinformation (goal-oriented falsehoods). Since leftist politicians and their bedfellows in the secular science industry are elitists, they  decide what is right or wrong. They also tamper with the meanings of dis- and mis information to include truths they don't like. Secular science is rooted ...

Bad Science and the Climate Change Bludgeon

Expressions resembling "Never let a crisis go to waste" have been attributed to Niccolo Machiavelli, Winston Churchill, and Rahm Emanuel. Nowadays it appears to be a motto, especially for leftists attempting to increase political power. I suspect that there is a second part: "If there is no worthwhile crisis, manufacture one or take an existing problem and magnify it." Leftists and their obedient sheeple have been finding and causing crises for years. For a while, global warming had been on the back burner (heh!), but it was brought back with a vengeance, even using brainwashed children to manipulate emotions in the public. Global Warming, Pixabay / Pete Linforth As we have seen, the secular science industry will saddle up and ride with any leftist saddle tramp that comes to DC town. They have a worldview based on atheistic naturalism, so they reject the Creator (and his promises to sustain the earth) out of hand. In addition, the secular science industry has shown ...

Definitions, Evolution, and the American Police State

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Edited 23 Mat 2922 Free speech is something that is cherished by many people in the Western world, but it is being suppressed drastically. Most of the mainstream media are so left-wing, they fly in circles; news reports infested with opinions. The secular science industry promotes leftist views, and is anti-science in many ways . Biblical creationists uphold the authority of the Word of God, beginning in Genesis. Biblical truth undermines socialism and many other political evils, so no wonder creation scientists are suppressed when they present evidence against evolution. Something very important that many of us teach is the importance of definitions. Surveillance, Pixabay /  Jürgen Jester (modified with FotoSketcher ) Darwin's acolytes tell us that evolution is a "fact" and that it has been observed. This often comes with conflating variations  and speciation  (among other things) with evolution , where they are intending to dry gulch peopl...

Leftist Political Activists in the Secular Science Industry

If there is anyone left who thinks that scientists are impartial and motivated by facts, they need to drop those illusions quick-like. Scientists have the same qualities and fallacies as the rest of us, but are committed to a worldview of atheistic materialism — with atoms-to-aerobiologist evolution at the forefront. At many points in history, the "intellectual class" would exert influence on governments for elitist rule. After all, they were educated and "smarter" than the commoners. This is happening today, and it is escalating. Adapted from an 1883 image by Kate Greenaway Elitists desire power, and it has been glaringly evident in recent years, especially in the formerly United States. Political leftists are famous for spreading their propaganda. This includes the usual techniques of concentration and repetition, the big lie, arbitrary assertions, excluding inconvenient facts and other fallacies . "Follow the science" is shouted from the rooftops, but t...

Medical Science Incompatible with Abortion Arguments

In these formerly United States, January 23 is the 38th observance of Sanctity of Human Life Sunday . We are bombarded with claims about "reproductive rights for women", "my body, my choice", and others. The baby has half of the DNA from each parent, which is another problem with such arguments. In many cases, this is a political power grab by people who have had their consciences seared. Abortion is the ending of a human life, but many do not care and are even proud of murder. In very few cases is ending a pregnancy medically necessary. Ultrasound picture from Pexels by Melike Benli By the way, they have the rights to use contraceptives or even abstinence. What women who demand their "rights" are not told are the enduring consequences of having an abortion. Leftists and others who support abortion on demand use several arguments that can easily be refuted , and they also present the viperine falsehood that it is "religious" people who are forci...

People Died in Kentucky, so Biden Lied

We have seen how mainstream science is catering to leftist agendas (see " More Leftist Malarkey in the Secular Science Industry "), and although attention to anthropogenic (manmade) global warming had faded for a spell, secularists are polishing up that meadow muffin with the help of secular science. It is not in the least surprising that Joe "Quockerwodger" Biden used tendentious leftist pronouncements about climate change to politicize the December 10-11 tornado in Kentucky and Tennessee . NASA Earth Observatory images by Joshua Stevens I received an email from someone who makes crusading for climate change his reason for being, and he echoed leftist propaganda (then I deleted the rant). Climate alarmists do not believe God is in control (most do not seem to think that he even exists), and their fundamentally flawed worldview is based on molecules-to-meteorologist evolution and deep time . Both aspects of secularism use similar approaches to bad science . Since Bi...

A Bad Breakup with Firefox

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  This is somewhat depressing. I feel like an old friend betrayed me, having used Firefox off and on for several years, and now this. It has made many improvements in speed, reliability, and security, but the Mozilla company has taken the bit of leftist politics into its teeth and jumped the corral fence. This derivative image was further modified at PhotoFunia . Shouldn't web browser companies focus on keeping us secure from tracking, spyware, hacking, and such? The expression "stay in your lane" comes to mind. I was dismayed to learn that Mozilla, makers of Firefox, have called for deplatforming and punishment of President Trump and others. So they are in favor of censorship. We need more than deplatforming Mozilla CEO Says Deplatforming President Trump Isn't Enough WARNING: Mozilla Calls for More Censorship to ‘Build a Better Internet’ – Celebrates Trump Ban Thousands are Uninstalling Firefox after Developers Demand Total Internet Censorship T...

Nancy Pelosi Fans Flames of Science vs Faith

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Nancy Pelosi, leftist Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives, has made it clear many times that she is dishonest and incompetent. In her latest fatuous remarks foolishness, she attempts to demonize people of faith for allegedly 'not believing in science". Made at PhotoFunia In an article on Piltdown Superman, I wrote about how atheists and other anti-creationists dehumanize their targets . Indeed, this sort of thing only escalates. (Just think of Germany in the years around 1939 where Jews were dehumanized.) In an earlier article on this weblog, I wrote that leftists are demonizing supporters of President Trump, and they want to punish us — some are even recommending reeducation camps. Let's saddle up and ride to higher ground to get a bigger picture. One major instance where Nanny Pelosi demonstrated her lust for power and prestige was promoting the Obamacare bill. But what was in it? She said that we have to pass the bill to find out wha...

Living Under Divine Judgment

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article contains raw emotion, but I hope that some of these thoughts will be useful. I also hope they will be interesting not just to Americans, but people in other Western countries. Supposedly every generation feels that the world is getting worse. Well, it is. Credit: Pixabay / Enrique Meseguer Readers should be informed that I am a Christian, politically Conservative, a biblical (young age) creationist, and believe in the pre-tribulation rapture . I'm not going to spend a great deal of time backing up everything I say because people seldom pay attention to those things anyway, and y'all can look things up your ownselves. But I'll document a few things.  Leftists and Theological Liberals It is no secret that political leftists, professing Christians who do not believe in the inerrancy of Scripture ("liberal" theology), and misotheists all ride for the same brand. They despise those of us who believe the Bible, and those of us who uph...

Expect Mostly Peaceful Post-Election Activities from Leftist Democrats

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There was a scene in The Blues Brothers  movie where the band was playing rock music at a country bar. The people started throwing bottles and such because they were angry. When the band played appropriate music, the same activities commenced. You could not tell the difference between rage and joy. Same with the political left. Mostly made at Pablo Sure, people get a mite rambunctious when celebrating, but we've seen leftists acting up with any excuse. The mainstream media are controlled by sidewinders who actively suppress views that differ from leftist talking points. Indeed, back in 1977 Francis Shaeffer described what we see today [ 1 ]. If you search for material on how Joe Biden and other leftists are corrupt socialists, keep in mind that social(ist) media have saddled up to ride for the Biden brand [ 2 ] and mainstream news is demonstrably dishonest. This country was established to be a constitutional republic using a democratic process. It was never m...

More Leftist Malarkey in the Secular Science Industry

When writing about science and the origins controversy, it is a given that Darwinism and theology will intersect (such as the dependence of atheism upon Darwinism). It is indeed unfortunate that the secular science industry is riding for the leftist brand instead of trying to do science. Mostly made at PhotoFunia Some people may scoff when we say that the secular science industry supports causes that are on the far left of the political spectrum, but we can back up such claims. Most of these come ultimately link to material from Creation-Evolution Headlines: Blind Bias in the Secular Science Industry More Leftist Activism from the Secular Science Industry The Secular Science Industry and Gender Confusion Evolution, Paganism, and Gender Confusion Totalitarian Leftists Hijacking Science COVID-19, Up Jumps Incendiary Darwinist Opportunism Margaret Sanger Gets Cancelled — Finally, Darwin Disciple Margaret Sanger is Exposed by the Liberal Media! Leftist Scientism Attacks Manh...