Keeping My Wife at a Distance Online

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen 

Although nobody asked and I am under no obligation to explain myself, I will anyway. In several places, I have mentioned that I have a wife. (At Piltdown Superman when I'm writing in my cowboy character, I do not.) However, I never named or described her.

The reason is quite simple: atheists and leftists. On more than one occasion, I have been physically threatened by them, especially angry misotheists. This only happened online, but some have stated they wanted to come over here — especially because I staunchly present creation science.

All these years online, I never mentioned my wife Charlene by name. She is gone now. It was for her protection from angry atheists and leftists.
Charlene at Niagara Falls in 2007 (?)
EDIT: It occurred to me later that I left out a secondary factor. Years ago (and I am leaving off the sequence of events that led me to my reluctant conclusion), I could not have a Fakebook account under my real name. Apparently atheists in power there kept deleting my accounts, so I became someone else. She didn't call me by my real name when I was using that account.

Although I lack belief that any would try to do me harm, I know it made her a mite uneasy. I have noticed that whenever atheopaths become vile or threated physical harm to Christians, it is exceptionally rare to find one that says, "That is not cool! You're making the rest of us look bad." Their silence seems to be tacit agreement. (Fakebook removed some when I reported them.) So I chose not to mention her. My beloved Charlene did not share my Fakebook posts to her own timeline to keep her distance, but she began to in our last couple of months together.

In an ironic side note, one militant atheopath was trolling me on what was then called Twitter. He said my wife is dead. Why? Because he could find nothing about her online. That strongly resembles the logical fallacy of argument from silence, and also that he made a conclusion without considering other possibilities. My first marriage ended, then she remarried. I remarried later. With Charlene, we chose to have her keep her last name, so there was no current Mrs. Robert Sorensen associated with me. Others, sure.

Neither of us liked having our picture taken. With me, it's easy to see why, so I pose with sunglasses and such. I deeply regret not getting more pictures of Charlene.

She unexpectedly passed away almost three weeks ago, and I miss her so terribly much. We had twenty-three years together. Some comfort in having her Fakebook account memorialized as a tribute. I love her and know that we will meet again, and will be with Jesus as well as people we love and love the Lord. [EDIT: More details, faith, and my heart at "How Then Shall I Mourn?"]

Meanwhile, atheists are lost and without hope. They need to repent. The bigotry and rage image samples of feral atheists can be clicked for larger viewing. At least, they can on PCs.

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Used under federal Fair Use provisions for educational purposes

Used under federal Fair Use provisions for educational purposes

Used under federal Fair Use provisions for educational purposes

Used under federal Fair Use provisions for educational purposes


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