
Showing posts from December 27, 2020

Browsers, Privacy, and Research Part 1

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen All y'all should know up front that this series of articles is based on my experiences as a Window 10 desktop computer user. Many of the things discussed will apply to laptops (are they different from notebooks?), but mobile devices will be left alone for the most part. Exploring browsers can be fun! Credit: Pixabay / Pete Linforth While many people are content to use the browser that came with their computer, they may ignore the fact that there are many browsers to choose from. Since Google (the parent company is Alphabet ) dominates teh interwebs, sojourners on their properties are inundated with, "Hey, we're the best ! Download Chrome!", which is probably why they have a huge market share (a difficult process that reminds this child of political polling) in the browser wars. The dominant browser years ago was Internet Explorer, which more experienced users loved to hate. If you want to move around the web, the major browsers will get the job