Tricks and Tips for Information Gathering

First, an apology: Sorry for the confusion on the earlier publication. I was still working on this article under a similar title and had an argument with Blogger's software. It tried to print out the article. When I hit "cancel", it published the incomplete article in mid-sentence. That was annoying, and unfortunately went out into people's feeds. (You know that someone has not read the article when they "Like" something incomplete within seconds of its publication.) This was twelve days ago. This information should prove useful for a variety of people. There is information about the Kindle, but if you do not have one, keep reading. I put things in there for non-Kindle owners as well. Let me lay the foundation with my own situation, and you can substitute your own situation and needs. I need to spend a great deal of time learning things in Christian apologetics and Biblical creationism. So, my need for information gets me into science, theology — and In...