
Showing posts with the label Christian Rock

The Easter Day of Transgender Visibility?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are millions of professing Christians, many celebrate the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today my wife is celebrating Easter with Jesus for the first time. I miss her, but my grief is tempered with the knowledge that I will see her again. Unbelievers and leftists taint and distort good things that were created. Biblical creationists are called "science deniers" because we reject fish-to-phlebotomist evolution, but those who believe that people can change genders really are  science deniers. Distorted woods, original image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Study on it a bit. A person's DNA is in every cell, and to change genders would mean to change that in all those trillions of cells. Taking hormones, changing clothing choices, forcing others to use preferred pronouns, having surgery — those are superficial changes. March 31 has been called the Transgender Day of Visibility where people who deny what God created demand to be celebrated. No...

The Secular Science Industry vs the Abortion Ruling

Addendum added 2 July 2022. We have seen many times in the past where the secular science industry has supported leftist causes, and now it is increasing. This is indeed unfortunate for the scientist who wants to do science stuff. Many of us can relate, having to earn a living trying to do what is best for the patient or customer. Indeed, if a prospective employer reads this and rejects me, their company is not worth my talent. Abortion is a sacred sacrament to leftists. Although fake science gave abortion a veneer of deniability with, "The fetus is not human yet, it is just going through past evolutionary stages", people know full well that the fetus is an unborn human baby. Fetus means  baby. They want to kill it anyway. In  Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization , the United State Supreme Court overturned the terrible legislation of Roe v. Wade  from 1973. Abortion has been an important aspect of the Democrat Party for many years, so they and other leftists are i...

Miracles and the Evolution of Jesus

For many professing Christians in several denominations, Palm Sunday is the beginning of Holy Week. As a child in the United Methodist Church, we were given palm tree fronds to place at the front of the church. There are variations where Holy Week ends on Saturday, others count Easter Sunday. Credit: Pixabay / Gerd Altmann Some sects continue liturgical celebrations after Easter. Bible-believing Christians know the truths from Scripture that Jesus rose from the dead and is at the right hand of God the Father (Rom. 8:34), so our observance is continual. Naturalists deny miracles, including the recent creation in six days, the Resurrection, Jesus and Peter walking on water, and other things, so they attempt to evosplain them away according to their fundamentally flawed presuppositions. (Liberal theologians and secularists can be seen at this time of year on secular documentaries denying the truth.) Some say that religion evolved (see " The Non-Evolution of Religion "), but that...

Pop Culture Sexuality Propaganda and "The Good Doctor"

 by Cowboy Bob Sorensen While many propagandists use heavy-handed tactics such as concentration and repetition, harassment, appeal to ridicule, and so on, others are conniving sidewinders. In " Pop-culture Evolutionism ", Paul Price discussed how evolutionism is spread through popular culture. In a similar way, this is happening with sexuality. Credit: Pexels /  Marcos Flores Non-Christians easily follow trends in the world, but it's mighty difficult for Christians to resist floating downstream as well. Television, movies, music, performing artists, news media, sports stars, and others influence our way of thinking. People have been duped into thinking that the number of LGBTQ+ people is much larger than it really is, party because of how they are  presented on television . My wife and I watch  The Good Doctor , a program about an autistic surgeon and his struggles with the medical community. (An episode  inspired me to write an article .) It is made quite well ...

Living Under Divine Judgment

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen This article contains raw emotion, but I hope that some of these thoughts will be useful. I also hope they will be interesting not just to Americans, but people in other Western countries. Supposedly every generation feels that the world is getting worse. Well, it is. Credit: Pixabay / Enrique Meseguer Readers should be informed that I am a Christian, politically Conservative, a biblical (young age) creationist, and believe in the pre-tribulation rapture . I'm not going to spend a great deal of time backing up everything I say because people seldom pay attention to those things anyway, and y'all can look things up your ownselves. But I'll document a few things.  Leftists and Theological Liberals It is no secret that political leftists, professing Christians who do not believe in the inerrancy of Scripture ("liberal" theology), and misotheists all ride for the same brand. They despise those of us who believe the Bible, and those of us who uph...

Expect Mostly Peaceful Post-Election Activities from Leftist Democrats

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There was a scene in The Blues Brothers  movie where the band was playing rock music at a country bar. The people started throwing bottles and such because they were angry. When the band played appropriate music, the same activities commenced. You could not tell the difference between rage and joy. Same with the political left. Mostly made at Pablo Sure, people get a mite rambunctious when celebrating, but we've seen leftists acting up with any excuse. The mainstream media are controlled by sidewinders who actively suppress views that differ from leftist talking points. Indeed, back in 1977 Francis Shaeffer described what we see today [ 1 ]. If you search for material on how Joe Biden and other leftists are corrupt socialists, keep in mind that social(ist) media have saddled up to ride for the Biden brand [ 2 ] and mainstream news is demonstrably dishonest. This country was established to be a constitutional republic using a democratic process. It was never m...

Eviscerating Atheopathic Objections Again

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Modified 4 July 2022 In previous years, I had a stalker who was a gold mine for bigotry and logical fallacies. Since he was repetitious and desperate for attention, I decided to instead utilize the abundant resources on teh interwebs. This next furious atheist is another clinquant example of what atheism does to the mind. Background image credit before modification: Supposed dark matter ring in galaxy cluster Cl 0024+17 Hubblesite (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) This article is going to be a bit tricky to write, but I reckon that I can skip some material and let you catch on, plus give you relevant links. Let me start with some background. A troll Page shares material from Christians and biblical creationists for the purposes of ridicule. I have never seen a cogent argument from the owner or from his adoring fans. Lots of mockery, straw man arguments, the genetic fallacy, and other typical fare from atheopaths, sure. Also, when he is...

Atheistic Religious Jihad in New York

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  When I have time and my circumstances allow, I want to respond to some material about why Americans do not want an atheist as President. Briefly, atheists lie. A lot. They not only do it overtly, but through blatant misrepresentation. Perhaps this is to cover up the fact that while they profess to profess reason and tolerance, they are dreadful at utilizing either. This link is one of many possible sources. There you will notice little or no discernable logic, including a prairie schooner-full of straw man arguments, ad hominem attacks, baseless assertions, hasty generalizations, and ridicule. Why do they act like ridicule will make atheism and Darwinism less false? That makes sense on their world, old son. Dan Barker is from the Freedom from Religion Foundation and acts like he's Canis Major. He claims to be a former Christian but demonstrates little knowledge of actual theology and history. While he likes to sell his books, he gets on the prod w...

Liberty and Darwinism are Opposites

Since proponents of fish-to-firefighter evolution rely on a paradigm of naturalism, they have a heap of trouble explaining the experiences of life that are intangible. I heard a debate between a Christian and an atheist, and the atheist admitted that everything he knows could be wrong in his frame of empiricism. The Christian showed him that he could not account for such things as logic and his worldview is self-refuting. Even though the atheist could be wrong, his "reasoning" maintained that the Christian is also wrong. Such a worldview is unlivable, as things we experience every day, truths of life, cannot be tested and determined in a lab by material means. By what means to materialists determine the soul or free will? What or where is consciousness ? They are not a part of the brain. There are some helpful links in " The Quantum Soul? " Declaration of Independence , John Trumbull, 1817-1819 Today, many Americans are celebrating Independence Day. Hopefully...

Celebrity Appeal and Propaganda

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The other day, Stormie Waters was frustrated with her gold prospecting efforts and ventured up past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as the name implies) and up into Deception Pass. Somehow she avoided the Winkie Guards and drew near to the Darwin Ranch. Then she overheard Rusty Swingset telling the hands that they need to step up their propaganda game — using celebrities. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach I'll allow that we gravitate toward people who think like us (and Christians are commanded to have teaching and fellowship with other believers, but it seems that we seek out celebrity endorsements a bit less than other people.) Having someone famous who is on your side has a greater impact. You can find listings of famous atheists in history and the media, and lists of creation scientists and other scientists who disagree with Darwinism can be found. People of varied interests find influential people who share their interests. Pr...