
Showing posts with the label Constitution

The Left Hates Us

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is not just a matter of difference of opinion on national policies, government, and so on. Leftists support all sorts of things that Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, and others promote. Instead, they advocate abortion, open borders, scaring children with climate change doomsday fake news , actively oppose Christianity , and so much more. Made at PhotoFunia Leftists were becoming aggressive and even violent toward Republicans and Conservatives back when George W. Bush was the American president. Campaign signs were stolen out of yards, vehicles with stickers were vandalized, people were harassed by leftist total strangers. Things settled down a bit when Caliph B. Hussein Obama was playing emperor for eight years (well, except for gender confusion and assassination of police officers, things were just wonderful with him in power). Now that Donald J. Trump is the president, violence is astonishing to say the least. Take a gander at the news (not...

Establishing Evolutionary Religion in America

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Many parts of the world are becoming increasingly secularized (which may have  contributed to the recent terrorist attacks ), and the United States has also been riding that same trail. The rights of Christians are coming under increasing attack by atheistic owlhoots , and secular humanism is steadily becoming established as the state religion. Know what God says about people who deny him? See Psalm 14:1. Secular humanism is a religion by their own admission , philosophically , and by court rulings . While many atheists such as Clinton Richard Dawkins are calling this a " major victory ", some dishonest atheists are still trying to change reality and deny that humanism is a religion . They accept the religion of evolutionism as foundational (but deny that evolutionism is a religious): " Humans are an integral part of nature, the result of unguided evolutionary change. Humanists recognize nature as self-existing. " Atheists  like Mi...

Atheism, Secularism and Lack of Logic

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen One of the main problems that atheists have is prejudicial conjecture. That is, they get all het up, thinking they know about something and spouting off their uninformed opinions while also trying to influence the views of others. When it comes to the Bible, many atheists not only resort to prejudicial conjecture, but many other logical fallacies including the straw man. Sorry, Cupcake, but we don't have to defend something we don't hold to or didn't say. This includes quote-mined material from the Bible.  Made at Atom Smasher Numerous fallacies can be rounded up in regards to creation science. They will misrepresent creationists, call us liars (their "proof" is essentially based on "because I said so repeatedly", but actually makes them the liars because of no real evidence), appeal to motive, poisoning the well, unfounded accusations, loaded terminology and a whole lot more. With just a little learning about informal ...

Can Atheists and Evolutionists Be Good American Citizens?

I suppose it depends on someone's loyalties. Atheist evolutionists do not recognize the Creator as the one who gives rights. The atheistic religion of Secular Humanism has evolution as one of its tenets. Evolution is a religion and it is not science (like we've been telling you). In fact, evolution is a faith-based religion, despite science! People were worried about John F. Kennedy being elected president because he was Roman Catholic, and his loyalty would be to the Pope. Now they're pulling the same stunt about Mitt Romney's Mormon religion. What about the evolutionist? I would be much more concerned with the freedom of Christians if there was an admitted atheist in the Presidency, since there is no God to them, and they are Statists. The “myth of evolution” is the most seditious of all attacks being made upon the foundational core principles of our Constitutional Republic. If one accepts the belief that evolution is fact, one must - then and there - surrender and...

Free Speech Eroding for Christian Students

"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."  — Lenin "Teacher sayin', Can’t be prayin', says it's against the rules. We're free today in the USA, but not here in my school." — Morgan Cryar, " Pray in the USA " Buona sera. If you are interested in my occasional links and such about the persecution of Christians, they will continue. After all, persecution, discrimination and so forth not only continues, but increases. The first leader of the Soviet Union knew the value of shaping a child's mind. The history of atheism and brainwashing by atheistic indoctrination in the USSR is well known, so I do not need to give you a history lesson now. Secularists, "Progressives", so-called humanists, atheists and cafones of that ilk have been working to undermine the Christian values and education in America for decades. I remember hearing a pastor in the small ...