
Showing posts with the label darwin

Totalitarian Leftists Hijacking Science

The influence of Darwin's ideas has not been confined to biology, and has influenced other sciences. Unfortunately, these fundamentally flawed concepts have been applied to western society as social Darwinism, giving us eugenics , justification for abortion, and influencing tyrants . For Question Evolution Day , we will see some examples of how leftist ideologies, influenced by Darwinism, have hijacked much of the secular science industry. Charles Darwin hated God and the Bible, and that view influenced his version of the evolution myth. Other people who wanted to rebel against God as well as theistic evolutionists (a religious fifth column working to nullify biblical theology) embraced those views. Since evolution is pervasive throughout the secular science industry, actual truth-seeking science has been hijacked by leftists who propagate evolutionism. The battle of worldviews is clearly evident. It is interesting to this child that with postmodernism and truth being consi...

Celebrity Appeal and Propaganda

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The other day, Stormie Waters was frustrated with her gold prospecting efforts and ventured up past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as the name implies) and up into Deception Pass. Somehow she avoided the Winkie Guards and drew near to the Darwin Ranch. Then she overheard Rusty Swingset telling the hands that they need to step up their propaganda game — using celebrities. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach I'll allow that we gravitate toward people who think like us (and Christians are commanded to have teaching and fellowship with other believers, but it seems that we seek out celebrity endorsements a bit less than other people.) Having someone famous who is on your side has a greater impact. You can find listings of famous atheists in history and the media, and lists of creation scientists and other scientists who disagree with Darwinism can be found. People of varied interests find influential people who share their interests. Pr...

Darwinists Hating Trump over Ban on Fetal Tissue

The secular science industry has been riding for the leftist brand, and they are galloping faster toward the precipice. They have been promoting leftist causes at an increasing rate . Leftists have been having tantrums about the election of Donald Trump, and even had a failed "March for Science" , (which was an early indication of just how far left the secular science establishment has been going).  Some Conservatives have been pleasantly surprised by Trump. Not only because Hillary Clinton will never be president of the United States, ever, but because Trump has actually been keeping some promises. This includes steps toward protecting unborn children, which includes canceling a contract between the government and a fetal tissue lab. Credit: / Stuart Miles Ethically-impaired leftists in the secular science industry want to continue to do research on aborted babies. After all, they're already dead, so who are they hurting? Sure, those sidewin...

Bad Marx for Communist Adoration

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen On May the Fifth, the 200th anniversary of the birth of atheist Sith Karl Marx was celebrated. Communism, its ugly kid sister Socialism, and other leftist systems are responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Many freedoms, especially speech and religion, are devastated under such rulers. China paid for a statue of Marx to be set up in Germany, the place of his birth. Everywhere these systems have been established, they have failed. Amazingly, people like failed US presidential candidate Bernie Sanders lauded Venezuela and other South American countries . China has a pretense of communism and forces atheism, but its economic system is a strange hybrid with capitalism. Most of us know that the communist Soviet Union (a "workers' paradise") collapsed, and North Korea is another communist police state that was propped up by the USSR. Even though most of communism collapsed and the ideology fell into some disrepute, it remained popular i...

Science Does Not Correct Itself

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a connotation of science  where scientists gather information, make a hypothesis, test it, revise as necessary, it becomes a theory, and eventually a law. Somewhere along the line the thing gets put out to pasture if the facts are recalcitrant. Such a view is not only naïve, but ignores human nature. Scientists are human, after all.  Scoffing at new material One expression I have encountered when discussing the origins controversy is that "science corrects itself". Aside from the reification fallacy ( science  is not a living thing, but scientists may correct themselves), this has been shown to be false — often in areas of technology. Great inventors were laughed at, such as Robert Fulton and the Wright brothers. It was said that if people move too fast (aside from dangerous acceleration, change of direct, and deceleration), they would have physical problems or even die. Scoffers were silenced by results. Some people attribute this ...

Establishing Evolutionary Religion in America

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Many parts of the world are becoming increasingly secularized (which may have  contributed to the recent terrorist attacks ), and the United States has also been riding that same trail. The rights of Christians are coming under increasing attack by atheistic owlhoots , and secular humanism is steadily becoming established as the state religion. Know what God says about people who deny him? See Psalm 14:1. Secular humanism is a religion by their own admission , philosophically , and by court rulings . While many atheists such as Clinton Richard Dawkins are calling this a " major victory ", some dishonest atheists are still trying to change reality and deny that humanism is a religion . They accept the religion of evolutionism as foundational (but deny that evolutionism is a religious): " Humans are an integral part of nature, the result of unguided evolutionary change. Humanists recognize nature as self-existing. " Atheists  like Mi...

Atheism's Faulty Moral Compass and Consequences

— by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The religion of atheism seems to attract a high percentage of deviants because they have no consistent foundation for morality. One way this can be seen is that, when pressed, atheists cannot actually account for morality itself . If you examine the Web, Facebook, Weblogs and so on, you'll find many examples of obscenity and hatred toward God and his people. US Geological Survey Although they claim that they can be " good without God ", the words and actions of so many Internet atheists belie that claim. This is the opposite of the truth .Their moral compass is situational and based on whatever is expedient at the time. Living in societies that are founded on Christian morality, they are actually borrowing from the Christian worldview when they say that something is right or wrong. There comes a point when God essentially says, " Your will be done", and gives them over to their depraved minds. Atheism is irrational and in...

Global Atheist Holiday

Edited from a previous post. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.  ( Psalm 53:1 , KJV) Here is a story that circulates on the Internet. Although it is not true (despite what your e-mail correspondent said), it is still funny. An atheist created a case against Easter and Passover holy days. He hired an attorney to bring a discrimination case against Christians and Jews and observances of their holy days. The argument was that it was unfair that atheists had no such recognized days. The case was brought before a judge. After listening to the passionate presentation by the lawyer, the judge banged his gavel declaring, "Case dismissed!" The lawyer immediately stood objecting to the ruling saying, "Your honor, how can you possibly dismiss this case? The Christians have Christmas, Easter and others. The Jews have Passover,  Yom Kippur  and  Hanukkah , yet my c...

Genius In Action

A clever lad just wanted to argue. An Admin at " The Question Evolution Project " on Facebook dismantled a ridiculous quote by Thomas Jefferson, and here is a response we had to deal with from a joker who had to say something — anything — to argue with the st00pid dumb Xtian. I guess this evolutionist is a "freethinker", huh?

Video: Are There Scientists Who Reject Evolution?

Now, I know that there are people who will go with redefinitions and a "No True Scientist" fallacy here, that true scientists accept evolutionism; anyone who rejects evolution must be an unedjamakated fundie. But that is obviously fallacious. It is also an attempt at poisoning the well and an appeal to ridicule. This short video will inform you of the truth.

Darwin's Rejection of God

Although touted as a "great scientist", many people do not know that Darwin's formal schooling was not in science, but in theology, where he soared to the heights of mediocrity. His rejection of God, who is revealed in the Bible, is severely lacking in logic. It is fundamentally flawed by naturalistic presuppositions and by emotional excuses. His journey of rejection is similar to other agnostics and to many atheists who are not actually using reason for their rejection of God. Besides, people like that are lying to themselves and to the rest of us, because they really do know that God exists (Romans 1.20-22). Charles Darwin grew up embracing the ‘intelligent design’ thinking of his day—William Paley’s renowned argument that the design of a watch implies there must have been an intelligent watchmaker, and so design in the universe implies there must have been an intelligent Creator. Concerning this, Darwin wrote, ‘I do not think I hardly ever admired a book more tha...

Evolution is Fiction — Here's Proof

Found image circulating on Facebook This picture has been circulating for a little while, and I had to show it anyway. Here you go, proof that evolution is fiction: Barnes and Noble said so! There are many reasons to dismiss the "proof" claim, including employee error, staged picture, prank, someone just shoved it there or whatever. And yet, when it comes to finding excuses to disbelieve in creation science and in the existence of God, people use "proof" that is even less reliable than this picture! Anyway, it's misclassified. Darwin's writings belong in the religion section .

What Hath Darwin Wrought?

"Darwin's book is very important and serves me as a basis in natural science for the class struggle in history." — Karl Marx Evolutionary propaganda is a masterpiece. The Nazis and Soviet Union would approve. First, the populace worships "science". Next, leftist governments push God out of schools and public places. Follow that with equating operational science (which can be observed, tested, measured, falsified, repeated and so forth) with historical, speculative science and pretend evolution is "science". Join that stuff with anti-God propaganda and liberal theology (not to mention human laziness), and "scientific" Darwinian concepts run rampant. Taking Darwin's popularization of evolution (it was not original with him, you know) as "science", people wanted to apply it as a social principle as well. With horrible results. Evil, in the socialist worldview, is the oppression of the working class by the bourgeoisie. Havin...

A Creed for Charles Darwin's Birthday

We believe in Darwin, the father all-sovereign, explainer of all things visible and invisible, and in one Thomas Henry Huxley, the bulldog of Darwin, begotten from the substance of Darwin. We believe in his son, Julian Huxley, of one substance with his Father. We believe in Ernst Mayr, Stephen Jay Gould, and Richard Dawkins who proceed from the spirit of Darwin and Huxley and through whom all things were understood, things on heaven and things on earth: Who, for our enlightenment, were made flesh and became men, who suffered grievously at the hands of petty academics, were denied tenure and publication at State schools, but rose to preeminence at superior universities and ascended into endowed chairs and chancellorships without end. By their convictions and firmly held beliefs may we and all our works be judged. Amen. For we are the chimps of his lab and the apes of his zoo. Amen.

Are Faith and Science At Odds?

This nonsense came at me out of the blue, but helps illustrate the topic. Buon giorno. When discussing science, evolution and faith, people have some very strange ideas about definitions. I have encountered some interesting re-defintions (including the astonishing claim that if someone is not an evolutionary biologist, he or she is not a scientist!), misunderstandings of definitions (deliberate, I suspect, for purposes of personal attacks), equivocation (evolution is science, from people who promote the thing but do not really understand it themselves) and so on. For that matter, the word "evolution" itself has several meanings. Many misunderstandings can be avoided by a couple of things: First, know the correct definition of the word, and second, clarify terms in the first place, such as "What do you mean by...?" Then there are the types who say that if you disagree with the tentative, tampered, tendentious "evidence" for evolution, you are...

An Atheist Christmas Carol

"An Atheist Christmas Carol" Featuring Richard "Daffy" Dawkins, Lalla Ward, P.Z. Myer, Charles Darwin and (wait for it...) everyone's hero, Piltdown Superman! (And the crowd goes wild!) GREETINGS! Stormbringer sent you a JibJab eCard CLICK HERE TO VIEW IT