
Showing posts from February 3, 2013

Very Short Atheism Video: A Fairy Tale

To be an atheist, you must believe in the impossible and discard reason. The atheist wordview is incoherent and irrational. They have no real foundation for morality except for what is expedient for them at the moment, al l they while saying they're "Good without God" . Perhaps that is why so many are angry, obstreperous, vituperative and just plain bitter. Perhaps that is why they hate Question Evolution Day . Perhaps that is why they hate Chr istians, because our worldview contains the necessary preconditions of hu man experience — ours makes sense.

Atheist "Logic" and "Morality" at (ir) RationalWiki

Some atheopaths are amazed that I am not impressed by their dazzling intellects. After all, they bill themselves as the intellectual elite, as if merely declaring themselves to be atheists magically gives them superior minds. Then they subject us to pooling of ignorance sites like (empty) and (ir) RationalWiki. Do not want. Especially the latter. It is a den of foolish excuses to disbelieve in God and hate the Bible, with lots and lots of libel and defamation. They are liars without standards. "Good without God"? oh, please! If they actually were rational and had standards instead of letting any loser write any libelous nonsense, they might actually be worthy of respect. Ain't happening, Zeke. Go have another drink. Here is an example. They libeled the PPSIMMONS ministry, showing themselves to be uninformed fools, as this video illustrates: If I was an atheist, I'd be embarrassed by the badly misnamed "RationalWiki". We're not...

Video: DNA and Information

stock.xchng/schulergd  We're getting closer to " Question Evolution Day ", and this video raises some serious questions. Evolutionists hate the fact that DNA is highly-coded, complex information.  And rather a lot, really. Worse for them, this information is purposeful and directed. Efficiently. It is exchanged  within a cell. This means there was a Designer.