Atheists Claim Everything Came from Nothing
Yours truly is amazed when evolutionists will believe "just so stories" based on guesswork, speculation, bad science and even fraud. And yet, they have the nerve to make fun of those of us who believe in a Creator. Worse, their logic dictates that they believe everything came from nothing. Such "reasoning" is fundamentally flawed , old son. "But Cowboy Bob, nobody believes that. Stop lying!" Don't believe me? Click here . I have a link to a discussion about a book that makes the same claim. So, if you get hit with their denials about atheists claiming ev erything came from nothing , send them here. Of course, they'll ignore the evidence. Some try to weasel out of it by redefining "nothing" ! It's their nature . But the truth is right here for your reference. How good is that? And now, about the book: If by definition something can never come from nothing, how could anything exist unless Someone put it there? This que