
Showing posts from October 28, 2012

Education, Discrimination, Indoctrination

“I know that some of you out there are creationists. You really don’t believe in evolution. I personally don’t think you should be allowed to leave this university with that belief.” — Lesley Northrup Some atheists go into denial when I mention that there are college professors that are openly derisive of the beliefs of their students, and actively work to destroy Christian beliefs, and others justify the practice since it fits their own bigotry. It should not be surprising to have this happen in America. After all, we have unrepentant terrorists like William Ayers getting tenure . Active discrimination against creationists exists . True scientific inquiry does not protect the established orthodoxy, but will examine scientific evidence that runs against it. The same goes for education . Let's face it, we do not have education, we have indoctrination centers. A nd anyone would be hard -pressed to find a legitimate educational reason for attacking the personal belie

Adoration of an Atheist Pope

How can people who claim to love "reason" bow down and worship the atheist popes? Especially Richard Dawkins. His emotive rantings are inconsistent and illogical, and his "morality" is sadly lacking. Most people who want to get along with others will not get in their faces and ridicule their beliefs, but that is what Daffy Dawkins advise s. When inquiring about how much money Dawkins is worth (about an 'undred million quid according to the 2012 "Rich List" of the Sunday Times ), people get defensive and ask, "Why do you want to know?", or say, "It's none of your business". Yes, misotheists flat-out lie about the amount of money that creationists and ID proponents have, but it's perfectly acceptable to get rich from hatred and religious bigotry. Double Standard, thy name is "atheist". Dawkins lied about a debate that he lost, claiming that it never took place . Now he is ready — to dodge debates . Probably