
Showing posts from August 14, 2011

Good Atheist Caller and Evidence

Matt Slick of CARM had a good atheist caller to his " Faith and Reason " radio show the other day. They dabbled in several topics for half an hour. (Listen to when he finds out that the caller is an atheist.) I thought this segment was good for several reasons. First, because there really are a few atheists who want to have decent conversations with Christians. Second, Matt touched on some important evidences and lines of clear thinking. Third, this caller was actually willing to let Matt state his case and make his points. Fourth, I hope that people will not be afraid to call the show.  The original hour is here , and the segment that I'm talking about is below:

More Efforts to Put Sharia Law in the USA

Did anyone else notice how B. Hussein Obama kept saying, "Muslim-Americans" as if it was a "race"? He was praising Muslims up one side and down the other. Funny how this alleged Christian ignores or disparages Christianity. But anyway... The conversation would be hilarious if it weren't so frightening. MUSLIM AMERICANS: "You non-Muslim Americans have nothing to worry about. We Muslims would never even think about imposing Sharia in the U.S." NON-MUSLIM AMERICANS: "Well then, you wouldn't mind if we pass a law that will ban Sharia from being used in U.S. courts." MUSLIM AMERICANS: "What??? You only want American law in American courts? No Sharia? How dare you! You're Islamophobes! You're bigoted hate-mongers!" NON-MUSLIM AMERICANS: "If you had no intention of bringing Sharia to the U.S., why are you opposed to us banning it?" MUSLIM AMERICANS: "Racists! We'll sue (to keep you from get

A Troll and a Screenshot Tool

Buona sera.  This is a two-in-one post. First, I want to show you a troll with one of the strangest accusations that I have ever encountered. Second, I want to show you how I get these screenshot things. The troll: "Blocks all scientists."  HUH? That's right, Buttercup here says I block all scientists. As if "scientists" are on patrol, looking for bad old rotten creationists like me so they can troll, harass, try to intimidate and spew forth  horrible  logic. Nope. Scientists have better things to do, capice? I think this illustrates the atheists' notion that they are all at the scientist level in their minds, and Christians are dumb as stumps (even though this Christian shows their failures in basic logic ). No, I block types like this who waste my time, as well as abusive clowns. By the way, I blocked  him  with far less than "a few" replies. OK, now it's time for the screenshot tool. Screenshot... screen shot... one word or

Return Flirt

This made my day! I gave a flirt on Twitter to Ann Coulter, thinking (a) there's no way she'll see it, and (b) probably an imposter anyway. Well, from the way people are treating that Twitter account, it may very well be her.  Anyway, you have to acquire the "eye" for it, so I'll give you the background. Someone said something, I added on with, "@Ann Coulter is my One True Love. Ask her about me and she'll say, 'WHO???'  She gave me a reply, a "retweet": That's her sense of humor, that's for certain! Nice thing to do for me, huh? Addendum: This was sent to me later: " Excellent! Yup that's really her, I've been following her for a while now. Very nice! I'd be on Cloud Nine if somebody like her ever noticed me. And I'd get that framed."



Lies, Confusion and Downright Stupidity

Whoever practices evil pays attention to wicked speech, and the liar listens to malicious talk. (Prov. 17:4 , ISV) Buona sera. Although I have written about this before, I thought it needed to be revisited. Briefly. Some people that I have to deal with seem to have a great deal of confusion about lies. This is a bit surprising to me, because I thought everyone knew that a lie is a deliberate false statement with the intent to deceive. That's the basic form. You can lie in other ways, such as withholding relevant information or even telling the truth in such a way that it is not accepted. For the most part, a lie involves the intent to deceive. And I think most people know that. "How are people confused about lies, Cowboy Bob?" There are several things that occur in the course of communication, and certain rabid dogs will try to bite you with the epithet, "Liar!" Mistakes. Maybe it was simple carelessness, maybe it was irresponsibly repeat

Don't Blink


"Sexual Diversity" Propaganda

Buon giorno. My regular readers know that I am very annoyed with the "gay is okay" and "acceptance" propaganda for "alternative lifestyles". Somehow, a minority of people confused about their sexuality are using politics, religion and various forms of bullying to attempt to force the rest of society to redefine relationships and marriage itself. Now that a few states have passed same-sex "marriage" laws, the rest of society is expected to redefine marriage itself, even though it has worked quite well for civilization for five, ten, a few thousand years. Those of us who believe that homosexuality is unnatural and/or sinful are given the nonsensical label of "homophobes" . I'll say it yet again: I don't phobe any homos. And I have nothing but contempt for people who use such a term as a substitute for actual thought, capice? On a recent Dr. Who episode, some future-esque space marine types had one male soldier refer to another m

Arrogant Atheist Ambush

Buon giorno. Here are a couple of audio clips from Matt Slick's "Faith and Reason" radio show. He takes many kinds of calls, whether it's a Christian that wants clarification, a cultist that wants to argue, a Calvinist that wants his Calvinism reinforced — and atheists. I have heard several shows where atheists call in and want to get into some of the heavy philosophical stuff. (When this kind of material goes on for a while, my eyes glaze over and my mind wanders.) Some will give him direct challenges as well. I remember one caller that was so obnoxious and verbally bouncing all over the place, changing definitions and basically making a rational conversation very difficult, Matt told me to give him the message to have him call back so people could see what atheism does to the mind. Good conversations can be had if callers are courteous and have some degree of sense. If you're willing to listen and have a decent exchange, you should have a good call. If,