
Showing posts with the label prophesy

Reasons I Believe - Part 2: Prophesy

Buon giorno. Are you having a Good Friday? Originally, I was going to repeat my Good Friday post from last year. Instead, I will link to that here and also expand on it. One of the strongest evidences for the validity of the Bible and of the Christian faith is the fulfillment of prophesy (see the above link). It is amazing how so many details in the "messianic prophesies" were foretold by prophets hundreds of years before they happened. As an introductory lesson, take a look at Psalm 22 and Isaiah 53 . Then, compare them with Matthew 26 and 27 . Also, compare Zech. 11.12-13 with Matt. 26.14-15 and Matt. 27.3-5. But those are just some of the "suffering servant" prophesies. Old Testament prophesies of the resurrection were fewer, and it was quite startling that Jesus prophesied his own resurrection! "Come on, Cowboy Bob! The writers of the Jesus story knew their scriptures and just stuck things in so that they could say, 'Aha! Prophesies fulfilled!...

Amazing What People Believe

Situation 1: The Bible is comprised of 66 books that span a time period of over a thousand years, several languages, authors from various walks of life (including kings, fisherman and shepherds), yet it speaks with unity on all sorts of subject, including the most controversial. Just try to do that with ten of your own friends or co-workers! Hundreds of prophesies regarding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus have been fulfilled, and some of those prophesies were made a thousand years ahead of time. Archaeologists have verified the Bible, and a leading archaeologist said that no archaeological find ever contradicted the Bible. Also, the New Testament was written by eye-witnesses of the events related, which would mean that contemporaries could have easily quelled the excitement by their own eye-witness accounts to the contrary. Response to Situation 1: "There is no evidence to even believe that God exists, and I certainly cannot believe that there is any validity to the Bi...