
Showing posts with the label e-mail

I'm Comfortably Well Off!

Taking time out of my bus y schedule before Question Evolution Day . Do I really need to lecture you on the dangers of even responding to one of these, let alone, giving personal information? Good, I didn't think I did. But I couldn't help but high light some indicators that this is garbage. Just another public service from Stormbringer Productions. Corporate Finance <> t o undisclosed recipients Attn: Sir/Madam You have been issued payment notice of Ten Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars ($10.5M). The Zenith Bank will Programmed your fund($10.5M)into an ATM CARD, Powered By Master-Card/Visa card. The debit card can be used on any ATM machine/P.O.S (POINT OF SALES) all over the world, or you can go to your bank to off-load the funds. You are advised to re-confirm to us the below information or call me immediately on +234-802-213-2112 (1) Your Full-Name: (2) Your Physical address not PO...

Sometimes I Can't Blame Atheists for Laughing

Buona sera. Every once in a while, I talk about equivocation. It is a way of blurring the meanings of words by assigning definitions. For instance, microevolution is true. It is variations within species but not breaking away from the limits imposed by genetic information. Macroevolution is not true, "goo to you" changes lead to entirely new creatures. When someone says, "Evolution is observed all the time", sure, but only on the small scale. To try to convince you that evolution happens on a large scale because it is observed on a small scale is an example of equivocation. Atheists tend to use equivocation regarding Christianity. Is it their fault? In some ways yes, and in some ways no. Let me walk you through the steps. The Bible is supposed to be the foundation for Christian faith and practice. The Catholic church uses the Bible to some extent, but also mixes in traditions, rituals, man-made rules &c. In addition, the Catholic church is the oldest and mos...

More Stuff that Grinds My Gears

Buon giorno. Been getting myself in trouble with the crew. Grousing to Lela, Hal the Hacker, Tommy the Knocker, Billy the Baptist, Rowdy Ralph, Tommy the Knocker, Nicky and the others... they told me to put it into writing so they don't have to hear me. I'm in the mood for a little grumbling, making the sound of a distant thunder. Most are small. Sure, I have plenty of things that I can rant about, such as people who use bad reasoning but cannot see it, double standards of the Hollyweird leftists (sure, complain about Bush at every turn, not a peep about B. Hussein Obama's failings in dealing with the BP situation), the way PayPal is letting finances for terrorist lovers go through but shuts down their account with Atlas Shrugs and other anti-jihad sites — but I want to let other people handle those so I can go after must less important things. Except one brief comment of something bigger. Can the criticism of Elton John for playing at the Limbaugh wedding, willya? Peopl...


Addendum: When I wrote this, I thought I was being original with the title. It turns out that the name is in use commercially. Oops! One real company has a product to filter your spam, and uses the "Spam-O-Matic" name . To be clear, I wrote about a product that contributes to the spam problem and is totally different . Sorry for any confusion.  Buon giorno . For years, I've been telling people in person, through e-mail and in my Weblog that they should "clean up" e-mail messages before they forward them. Not only as a courtesy to their readers (we often have to scroll though a load of crap before we finally find the message two thirds of the way down), but to cut down on spamming. "How do personal messages forwarded with e-mails add to spamming, Cowboy Bob?" I knew you couldn't resist asking. Here's a letter that I got from a company, asking me to review a spammer's tool: Dear Bob, May I ask you to write a review for Jet...

Angel, Saints, Curses and Luck

Today, I'm going to give political stuff a rest and keep to the overall topic of this Weblog, which is: Anything I feel like writing about. This time, I want to partially repeat myself about being blackmailed in e-mail . This comes from people that I think are well-intentioned, but do not bother to get rid of the conditions that are contained within the e-mails. Every once in a while, I get mail that invokes an angel, the Virgin Mary, some obscur e religious figure like "Saint Schnitzel" — or even Jesus himself. These sentimental pieces are telling me that the sender cares about me, is glad I am a friend and so forth. But then, they get weird. They often have religious pictures and prayers in them. OK... If I forward the mail to fifteen people in the next five minutes, I will have good luck within the next week. I can see by your expression that you've had these things as well. Hey, do you get them with another condition attached, that if you do not forward them,...

Black E-mailed

Edit: New images added and some editing 8-16-2011 There are some things you ought to know. This old cowboy (well, cowboy at heart) is a caring sort. Sometimes I'm dreadful at showing it, and I get thoughtless or maybe even selfish at times. But I try to be compassionate. / Cornfreak Lately, I've been getting blackmailed by e-mail (hence the title of this piece). No, the sender doesn't intend any harm. These are the letters that say, "I've been thinking of you. You're one of my many friends and I'm sending this to show I care", etc. (It often has a cute poem and pictures of teddy bears or something.) The blackmail part is at the end: "Send this to everyone you know and care about, especially the one who sent this to you. If you don't send this on, then you are evil, lonely, heartless, and will burn in Hell." The same threat comes in some of those useless petition letters that have good intentions, but demean you...