
Showing posts from August 26, 2012

Angry Atheist Against "Religion"

A letter to Creation .com from an angry misotheist is very typical of the kind of thing that Christians, and especially creationists, encounter on a regular basis. (I suspect that people like this are angry that atheism is on the slide and Christianity is growing .) He seems to think that the world would be a better place if Christians were restricted and not allowed to practice their religion, except in carefully regulated boxes. To be blunt, his desire for certain laws and restrictions are nothing less that fascist. P.H., from Ireland, commented on CMI’s Question Evolution campaign and Dr. Don Batten responds. Hello, I am a little sceptical that you will print this, but we shall see. I wonder when you go out with your 15 questions , will you stop once you have met anyone who can give you a reasonable answer? Obviously not everyone is going to have the knowledge to answer the specifics, but if you meet a Biologist for instance who can clearly explain the current state