"Courage is being scared to death - and saddling up anyway." Buon giorno. Now that festivities and difficulties surrounding Christmas are over with for a while, it's time to get back to the business of daily living. And writing. "Are you going to be a cowboy again, Uncle Bob?" Yep. Well, people do expect it of me, don'tcha know. I've been thinking about being a cowboy. (No, I don't mean that I'm going to be a poser and dress up in the full western regalia, smoke long cigars, drawl and do other things that movie cowboys do.) What got me thinking about it was when a woman called me a cowboy one time. She was making a joke, but I started thinking about it after that and realized that it has some truth in it for me and my father as well. What does it mean to be a cowboy? Sometimes it's a derogatory term, meaning someone who is reckless. When used in the proper context, I can understand this usage because someti...