Richard Dawkins and Child Abuse
Circulating on Facebook It's probably time for me to point out again that I know jolly well that there are different kinds of atheists in the world. Some are the "live and let live" types: "You believe, I don't, we can talk about it, or not". I do not check to see if the cashier at Wal-Mart, the mail carrier, the server at the restaurant, the lady in the apartment across the hall or other people are atheists. Unless we're having a conversation about spiritual things. Then there's the aggressive angry atheist. These are the vicious ones that haunt the Internet and seek out Christians to attack. I doubt that they have jobs or lives; who would hire them or want to be around them? OK, so I've differentiated. It's the hateful atheists that I encounter the most. They tend to be disciples of Richard "Daffy" Dawkins and other purveyors of bigotry disguised as "reason". His sheeple heard Dawkins tell them to mock "reli...