
Showing posts from February 8, 2015

Evolution, the Illuminati, and Question Evolution Day

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For Question Evolution Day , I decided to write some thoughts about the Illuminati and conspiracies. According to some people, the Illuminati is a secret organization that seeks world domination, and has a strong influence in the affairs of governments. I understand that they're also spying on individuals, and some accounts tell us that they want to take over the world for Satan.  Yes, the Illuminati started out as a secret organization, and people link them to another secret organization, the Freemasons. They have also been allied with the Anunnaki, who are (according to some accounts) our reptilian masters from outer space who also control the world. The details are sketchy about their power and alliances, and vary greatly, some tales are extremely far-fetched. How secret are they, then? People seem to "know" a great deal about them. They are writing Weblogs and posting in social media all over the place. When people make the devil hand ...