When Atheists Gain Power

Buon giorno. Every year, atheists and "humanists" (those are atheists who want legal standing as a religion ) ramp up their attacks on Christmas. The 2011 attacks have already started, but this time, they're playing the "discrimination" card . (Some complain of discrimination in employment and in other places where it is illegal to ask, or make a prerequisite for employment, someone's worldview. News flash, Poindexter: Clam up. You either offered this irrelevant information as a matter of pride, or the discrimination probably did not happen.) With the growing snarling of atheists, their antics to interfere with the rights, sensibilities and beliefs of the majority of the people — how can anyone honestly wonder why atheists are the least trusted and least respected "minority" in the country? [ 1 , 2 ] ( Edit: In my experience, and in the experience of others to whom I have spoken, atheists are also the least honest people.) It must be something to b...