A Few Samples of Atheist Hate
This is so easy, I do not even bother with it very much. Abundance and all that. First, a typical example. It was at (surprise!) an atheist's Weblog. Comment 1 was about me, Comment 2 was about a forthcoming book the atheist was publishing, Comment 3 was my reply to comment 1. I did not go back after I left my comment and took the screen shot (click for larger): I wonder if he knows that The Question Evolution Project has far more than 60 "Likes" on Facebook and is still growing. Next is a real dandy! This atheopath was so full of hate, rage and utter stupidity, but not an ounce of logic. I could have filled the page with our go-arounds, but decided to select three samples. You can count the logical fallacies yourselves: Here's the funny part. This exchange happened after I posted several examples of and links to atheistic bigotry. He denied reality (as they often do). Not too long ago, I had this ironic bit of confirmation of atheistic bigotry:...