Quick Sampling of Why Atheism is Dying
Within the past week, I posted some material on the fact that modern obstreperous atheism is fading, and how to deal with them [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] . Worse for them, Christianity is growing — especially in atheist-governed and Mohammedan-governed countries! I had supporting links, so I am not going to ruin my morning by repeating myself. Instead, I am going to have a bit of fun by letting atheo-fascist humiliate themselves. You see, I posted those articles and let the, uh, whaddyacallit, auto-posting announce them on Twitter and Facebook. What to my wondering eyes did appear but more of the same old stuff: Personal attacks, misrepresentation, moving the goalposts, change the subject and try to get me to defend a different position — if they love "reason", they had jolly well better learn to actually use the stuff, capcie? So I decided to play. Let me point out that I did not approach anyone. They saw the auto-posts and decided to demonstrate their debating skills. Not goo...