
Showing posts with the label archaeology

Archaeology Supports the Bible

People who doubt the authenticity of the Bible, whether unbelievers or liberal "Christians", will occasionally appeal to archaeology in their attempts to reject God's Word and continue riding the owlhoot trail. However, they are showing massive ignorance as well as relying on fallacious reasoning. Although the Christian's faith is based on the Word of God , there is  evidence for our beliefs. Maybe I'm unusual, but I actually found the material I rounded up and presented below to be rather exciting. Credit: Pixabay /  Heather Truett Archaeology is a newer science when compared to some of the more established disciplines. The subject matter requires careful excavation of unoccupied areas. This is a huge reason that Jerusalem and other areas are left alone, as not only do people live there, but buildings are erected on much older foundations.  When some people claim that the Bible is historically inaccurate because certain things have not been discovered by...

Fake Science: Canaanites and the Bible

When it comes to sensationalistic fake news that denigrates the Bible, the secular science industry is relentless. Ever see those documentaries that crop up around Christmas and Easter where producers round up unasinous liberal scholars to malign the Bible? Not only do they ignore conservative scholars and focus on the odd ones, but stories like the tomb of Jesus and so on are discredited or forgotten. This bit of disingenuous journalism is of the same pathetic caliber. But I forgot, lying is in the nature of secularist leftists. Mostly made at Image Chef (now defunct) Those of us who actually believe the Bible and know about how it has been supported time and again through history, science, and archaeology have to endure the constant attacks on the Word of God. It's one thing to disbelieve and offer arguments or evidence as to why not, but it's another to act like an evolutionary scientist that makes up his or her own "facts", and ignores pertinent data. What r...

Camels, Anti-Bible Prejudice and Media Hysteria

You'd think that National Geographic would learn about hastily publicizing bad science after the Archaeoraptor fraud . But no, they had to jump on the anti-Bible bandwagon and do what "skeptics" often do: Rush to proclaim that the Bible is wrong. In this case, the claim that the Bible is wrong about camels in the early days. This kind of assertion has been pulled before and primarily based on incomplete evidence. In this case, the biases and assumptions are added to the façade of scientific research through carbon dating. Archaeology students in Tel Aviv did the "research". Like Bill Nye's attacks on creationists, they ignored existing research that was readily available. This story was picked up by the Institute for Creation Research , Creation Ministries International and Answers In Genesis , (among others) who have provided some valuable information. Despite the efforts of "skeptics" (I put the word in quotes because so many people ...

Archaeology Supports the Bible

"In my view, most of the revisionists are no longer honest scholars, weighing all the evidence, attempting to be objective and fair-minded historians, seeking the truth. Determined to unmask the ideology of others, they have become ideologues themselves. The revisionist and the postmoderns are dangerous because they have created a kind of relativism ― an anything goes attitude ― that makes serious, critical inquiry difficult if not impossible." — William Dever, Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Arizona For many years, it has been an established fact that archaeology supports the Bible. (I did an article on that here .) Sure, there were people who were daft enough to say, "Aha! Archaeologists have not found evidence of the Hittites. They did not exist. Your Bible is wrong. There is no God! " (Yes, I have encountered people whose "logic" works that way.) Anyway, they had to eat their words because the Hittites' ...

Archaeology and the Bible

Buon giorno. A few months ago, I saw a comment on an atheist's Weblog that astonished me in its arrogance and stupidity: Recent archaeology shows that Palestine was not even inhabited at the time of Jesus. This insipid remark reminded me of similar remarks that archaeology of the past hundred years is disproving the Bible. Ostracon from Qeiyafa. Can you dig it? That is just plain silly. Archaeology is not like other science (that is, not evolutionism) where hypotheses and theories are made, modified to fit data and even discarded when necessary. No, archaeology accumulates evidence. "New" archaeology is unlikely to "disprove" the archaeology that supports the Bible. I've been up to my old tricks, and I called Greg Koukl of Stand to Reason . When I told Melinda the call screener ("The Enforcer") that I was calling about the claim that Palestine was not inhabited at the time of Jesus, she actually laughed! Greg expressed a bit of amazement as w...

Amazing What People Believe

Situation 1: The Bible is comprised of 66 books that span a time period of over a thousand years, several languages, authors from various walks of life (including kings, fisherman and shepherds), yet it speaks with unity on all sorts of subject, including the most controversial. Just try to do that with ten of your own friends or co-workers! Hundreds of prophesies regarding the life, death and resurrection of Jesus have been fulfilled, and some of those prophesies were made a thousand years ahead of time. Archaeologists have verified the Bible, and a leading archaeologist said that no archaeological find ever contradicted the Bible. Also, the New Testament was written by eye-witnesses of the events related, which would mean that contemporaries could have easily quelled the excitement by their own eye-witness accounts to the contrary. Response to Situation 1: "There is no evidence to even believe that God exists, and I certainly cannot believe that there is any validity to the Bi...