
Showing posts with the label Christian

Watching you Sleep — a Creepy Logic Lesson

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  After getting acquainted with logic and critical thinking in general, some things practically shout, "Fallacious!" This is very important nowadays, as people "think" with their emotions and do not ask important questions. When confronted with a statement or claim that seems important, it is good to pull back on the reins and slow down. Examine it. A favorite of mine probably tricks gullible folks: This year will be the first time in 666 years that Halloween falls on a Friday the thirteenth. Woman watched by spirits while sleeping, made with AI at Bing That was the comedy. The creepy one up next is...truly bizarre. It was posted on X (formerly Twitter), informing readers that when we wake up between two and three AM without any reason, there is a 99% chance that something has been staring at you for a long time. The clincher is that this is "according to experts." People familiar with my work know that I am mighty fond of asking que...

The Beginning Prepper

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  The other day, I was going through a storage cupboard to find things my late wife had purchased but never had a chance to use. A few were past the "use by" date, some from even before she passed away. A few canned goods were past due. I took a notion to check online about expiration dates; it seems I heard that there is a kind of grace period. Very much so! In fact, if people check for damage, rust, bad smells, and so forth, most canned foods will last indefinitely . Prepping pantry photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen, modified with FotoSketcher "People have safely used canned stuff that is sometimes decades out of date, Cowboy Bob. Why do they even have expiration dates? I can think of a few reasons. One is they may be required by the government. Also, self-preservation in case something is damaged and the contamination is slow and a customer gets sick. Third, they are just trying to get people to throw something away and buy more, but I kind of doubt t...

The Easter Day of Transgender Visibility?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  There are millions of professing Christians, many celebrate the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today my wife is celebrating Easter with Jesus for the first time. I miss her, but my grief is tempered with the knowledge that I will see her again. Unbelievers and leftists taint and distort good things that were created. Biblical creationists are called "science deniers" because we reject fish-to-phlebotomist evolution, but those who believe that people can change genders really are  science deniers. Distorted woods, original image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Study on it a bit. A person's DNA is in every cell, and to change genders would mean to change that in all those trillions of cells. Taking hormones, changing clothing choices, forcing others to use preferred pronouns, having surgery — those are superficial changes. March 31 has been called the Transgender Day of Visibility where people who deny what God created demand to be celebrated. No...

Leftist Political Activists in the Secular Science Industry

If there is anyone left who thinks that scientists are impartial and motivated by facts, they need to drop those illusions quick-like. Scientists have the same qualities and fallacies as the rest of us, but are committed to a worldview of atheistic materialism — with atoms-to-aerobiologist evolution at the forefront. At many points in history, the "intellectual class" would exert influence on governments for elitist rule. After all, they were educated and "smarter" than the commoners. This is happening today, and it is escalating. Adapted from an 1883 image by Kate Greenaway Elitists desire power, and it has been glaringly evident in recent years, especially in the formerly United States. Political leftists are famous for spreading their propaganda. This includes the usual techniques of concentration and repetition, the big lie, arbitrary assertions, excluding inconvenient facts and other fallacies . "Follow the science" is shouted from the rooftops, but t...

Pop Culture Sexuality Propaganda and "The Good Doctor"

 by Cowboy Bob Sorensen While many propagandists use heavy-handed tactics such as concentration and repetition, harassment, appeal to ridicule, and so on, others are conniving sidewinders. In " Pop-culture Evolutionism ", Paul Price discussed how evolutionism is spread through popular culture. In a similar way, this is happening with sexuality. Credit: Pexels /  Marcos Flores Non-Christians easily follow trends in the world, but it's mighty difficult for Christians to resist floating downstream as well. Television, movies, music, performing artists, news media, sports stars, and others influence our way of thinking. People have been duped into thinking that the number of LGBTQ+ people is much larger than it really is, party because of how they are  presented on television . My wife and I watch  The Good Doctor , a program about an autistic surgeon and his struggles with the medical community. (An episode  inspired me to write an article .) It is made quite well ...

Nancy Pelosi Fans Flames of Science vs Faith

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Nancy Pelosi, leftist Democrat Speaker of the House of Representatives, has made it clear many times that she is dishonest and incompetent. In her latest fatuous remarks foolishness, she attempts to demonize people of faith for allegedly 'not believing in science". Made at PhotoFunia In an article on Piltdown Superman, I wrote about how atheists and other anti-creationists dehumanize their targets . Indeed, this sort of thing only escalates. (Just think of Germany in the years around 1939 where Jews were dehumanized.) In an earlier article on this weblog, I wrote that leftists are demonizing supporters of President Trump, and they want to punish us — some are even recommending reeducation camps. Let's saddle up and ride to higher ground to get a bigger picture. One major instance where Nanny Pelosi demonstrated her lust for power and prestige was promoting the Obamacare bill. But what was in it? She said that we have to pass the bill to find out wha...

Expect Mostly Peaceful Post-Election Activities from Leftist Democrats

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There was a scene in The Blues Brothers  movie where the band was playing rock music at a country bar. The people started throwing bottles and such because they were angry. When the band played appropriate music, the same activities commenced. You could not tell the difference between rage and joy. Same with the political left. Mostly made at Pablo Sure, people get a mite rambunctious when celebrating, but we've seen leftists acting up with any excuse. The mainstream media are controlled by sidewinders who actively suppress views that differ from leftist talking points. Indeed, back in 1977 Francis Shaeffer described what we see today [ 1 ]. If you search for material on how Joe Biden and other leftists are corrupt socialists, keep in mind that social(ist) media have saddled up to ride for the Biden brand [ 2 ] and mainstream news is demonstrably dishonest. This country was established to be a constitutional republic using a democratic process. It was never m...

The Left Hates Us

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It is not just a matter of difference of opinion on national policies, government, and so on. Leftists support all sorts of things that Republicans, Conservatives, Christians, and others promote. Instead, they advocate abortion, open borders, scaring children with climate change doomsday fake news , actively oppose Christianity , and so much more. Made at PhotoFunia Leftists were becoming aggressive and even violent toward Republicans and Conservatives back when George W. Bush was the American president. Campaign signs were stolen out of yards, vehicles with stickers were vandalized, people were harassed by leftist total strangers. Things settled down a bit when Caliph B. Hussein Obama was playing emperor for eight years (well, except for gender confusion and assassination of police officers, things were just wonderful with him in power). Now that Donald J. Trump is the president, violence is astonishing to say the least. Take a gander at the news (not...

Social Media Speech Police

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen It seems a mite ironic that I began using this platform back in 2007 so I could have my say on various topic, and today I am complaining that various social media outlets are becoming more and more opposed to free speech — at least, among Christians and Conservatives. Made at Atom Smasher Facebook is frequently in the news by alternative media for discrimination and censorship. Hate speech against Jews, Christians, and Conservatives is just fine, but the sidewinders in charge will shut down Pages and accounts by people who are not atheists, anti-creationists, terrorists, socialists, and the like. Reporting those for clear violations of Fazebook's alleged Terms of Service are usually worthless. Two standards, no waiting. Used under Fair Use provisions for educational purposes (click for larger) Aside from their lackadaisical approach and blatant hypocrisy on their ToS, Fazebook removes Christians, Conservatives, and supporters of Israel (I h...

Celebrity Appeal and Propaganda

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen The other day, Stormie Waters was frustrated with her gold prospecting efforts and ventured up past Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as the name implies) and up into Deception Pass. Somehow she avoided the Winkie Guards and drew near to the Darwin Ranch. Then she overheard Rusty Swingset telling the hands that they need to step up their propaganda game — using celebrities. Background image furnished by Why?Outreach I'll allow that we gravitate toward people who think like us (and Christians are commanded to have teaching and fellowship with other believers, but it seems that we seek out celebrity endorsements a bit less than other people.) Having someone famous who is on your side has a greater impact. You can find listings of famous atheists in history and the media, and lists of creation scientists and other scientists who disagree with Darwinism can be found. People of varied interests find influential people who share their interests. Pr...

Protestants, Atheists, and Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There is a picture of a young guy with a beginner's mustache, glasses, and he has one eyebrow raised. His shirt is printed, "I'm an atheist debate me". The caption reads, "Atheism A Religion People Join to Appear Smarter". Although it has been given many captions, I like this older one the most. You can see it here if you like, the one I'm talking about should be at the top. Anti-creationists get rambunctious with it, but I believe the original picture is a parody of atheists' attitudes. Bellvue Baptist Church photo credit: Freeimages / Ricky Gipson The majority of American atheists are younger males and white. The caption about "appear smarter" is especially fitting, as many atheopaths are trolling the web, trying to impress others with their genius. They get upset when we point out their poor logic, and frequently display their ignorance, such as in a 3-on-3 debate that I wrote about . Professing atheists t...

In the Maelstrom of Twitter Atheists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I wanted to share some observations and thoughts with y'all on being drawn into the maelstrom of disarticulated atheopathy on Twitter. Although Twitter increased its limit for texts and made some other modifications, I find it very difficult to have a decent conversation on there. Not only because of the limits, but other people tend to get involved. Don't get me started on the cesspool of YouTube comments, except that meaningful exchanges are rare. Especially atheists, who swarm like piranhas. It's the digital version of schoolyard bullying, where they gang up to ridicule Christians and creationists. (Side note: Chris Plante dislikes the word bullying, preferring harassment  and other accurate phrases. I use it because it shows the childish nature of village atheists on teh interweb.) They were as prideful and irrational as Haywire the Stalker  (who has been defeated by me , and others, numerous times, but still spews venom). Since Twitter al...

Zuckerberg, Hate Speech, and Congress

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Mr. Markie Goes to Congress As you probably know, Facebook is having some difficulties. Because of the data scandals, their stock is plummeting , and people are quitting it — including Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak . Do some searching for "reasons to quit Facebook", and you'll see that warnings are not only sounding now, but have been for years. He offered his standard apology, but people are not expecting much. It didn't mean much before, after all. via GIPHY Mark Zuckerberg had himself a little discussion with the US House and Senate. It's not just about selling information, but about discrimination, censorship , and hate speech. Fazebook has a reputation for allowing terrorist speech ( here is one report ), then they get on the prod and slap down non-leftists ( here is an example , his campaign was "shocking and offensive"). Two black women (I know they're two black women, they keep telling us this) who go by...