Watching you Sleep — a Creepy Logic Lesson

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen After getting acquainted with logic and critical thinking in general, some things practically shout, "Fallacious!" This is very important nowadays, as people "think" with their emotions and do not ask important questions. When confronted with a statement or claim that seems important, it is good to pull back on the reins and slow down. Examine it. A favorite of mine probably tricks gullible folks: This year will be the first time in 666 years that Halloween falls on a Friday the thirteenth. Woman watched by spirits while sleeping, made with AI at Bing That was the comedy. The creepy one up next is...truly bizarre. It was posted on X (formerly Twitter), informing readers that when we wake up between two and three AM without any reason, there is a 99% chance that something has been staring at you for a long time. The clincher is that this is "according to experts." People familiar with my work know that I am mighty fond of asking que...