The Easter Day of Transgender Visibility?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen 

There are millions of professing Christians, many celebrate the bodily Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Today my wife is celebrating Easter with Jesus for the first time. I miss her, but my grief is tempered with the knowledge that I will see her again.

Unbelievers and leftists taint and distort good things that were created. Biblical creationists are called "science deniers" because we reject fish-to-phlebotomist evolution, but those who believe that people can change genders really are science deniers.

Distorted woods, original image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
Study on it a bit. A person's DNA is in every cell, and to change genders would mean to change that in all those trillions of cells. Taking hormones, changing clothing choices, forcing others to use preferred pronouns, having surgery — those are superficial changes.

March 31 has been called the Transgender Day of Visibility where people who deny what God created demand to be celebrated. Not that many people had heard about it and even fewer cared. Leftists hate God, and Joe Biden's regime even banned religious-themed eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. Resident Biden rode that pony of the leftists to a gallop by issuing a presidential proclamation. Now the transgender "holiday" is front page news, and millions of Christians are rightly offended.

Ken Ham pointed out that there are many subjects for Christians and creationists to pursue, but each one does not need its own systematic approach. There's a bigger issue. Something more to study on is that leftists and atheists (there are not all that many atheists on the political right) have a worldview that opposes things that God has created. True marriage, the family, prayer, creation, life, and more. Leftists endorse transgenderism, abortion, euthanasia, evolution, and all sorts of evil — which they call "good." Biden's proclamation is demonic.

It's all about worldviews. Those of us with a biblical worldview work from our foundations, enabling us to see and point out the flaws in worldviews that oppose the Word of God.

I’ve had many Christians express dismay at what they see as a plethora of problems in the culture, such as abortion, gender issues, LGBTQ, gay “marriage,” racism, and so on. They have said to me that there are so many problems to battle, we can't fight them all. It’s almost like they want to throw their hands in the air and give up because the problems seem so overwhelming. But are these really all separate problems?

You can read the rest of this 2023 article by clicking on "How Should Christians View Transgender Day of Visibility?"


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