Protestants, Atheists, and Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

There is a picture of a young guy with a beginner's mustache, glasses, and he has one eyebrow raised. His shirt is printed, "I'm an atheist debate me". The caption reads, "Atheism A Religion People Join to Appear Smarter". Although it has been given many captions, I like this older one the most. You can see it here if you like, the one I'm talking about should be at the top. Anti-creationists get rambunctious with it, but I believe the original picture is a parody of atheists' attitudes.

Atheists pretend to be smarter than Christians, but reality shows otherwise.
Bellvue Baptist Church photo credit: Freeimages / Ricky Gipson
The majority of American atheists are younger males and white. The caption about "appear smarter" is especially fitting, as many atheopaths are trolling the web, trying to impress others with their genius. They get upset when we point out their poor logic, and frequently display their ignorance, such as in a 3-on-3 debate that I wrote about. Professing atheists today are not too likely to do their thing and let us do our thing. No, atheo-fascists want us silenced, mein Herr. (Regular readers have seen my reports of blind hatred from a criminal cyberstalkers.) The great irony that they miss is when they claim that they are more intelligent than "theists" by virtue of being atheists, they are demonstrating fallacious thinking! Many times, these Mighty Atheists™ display their super powers, but only demonstrate poor logic, narcissism, and bigotry.

Click for larger ("Tweets" are public domain)
Atheists have extreme faith in their religion. By denying that atheism is a religion because they reject a deity, they are ignoring definitions of religion. (Ironically, they have their own naturalistic miracles for their worldview) Also, they build a straw man argument by using the hoary canard that "faith is believing in something you know isn't true". R.C. Sproul wrote
The first assertion that faith is rational means that faith is intelligible. It is not absurd or illogical. If biblical revelation were absurd and irrational, it would be utterly unintelligible and meaningless. The content of the Bible cannot pierce the soul of a sentient creature without first going through the mind. It was Augustine who declared that faith without evidence is credulity. At this point we understand that though faith is rational, it is also reasonable. Biblical faith does not call people to crucify their intellect or take irrational leaps of faith into the darkness with the hope that Christ will catch us. Rather we are called to leap out of the darkness and into the light. 
God requires us to have faith (Habakkuk 2:4, 2 Corinthians 5:7, Hebrews 11:6). Cowboy up and realize that God does not require his people to do stupid things. Faith is real and important, and has nothing in common with the way professing atheists portray it, you savvy?

Some people say that they want to raise their children with no religious input and "let them decide for themselves". Congratulations, you just told your children that there is no ultimate truth, and that philosophies are like choosing hats. I was recently told about someone in her 20s who recently visited a church for the first time. Her parents were "not religious", but by their lifestyle, they were still influencing their children. 

You will also hear, "I don't believe in religion, I believe in science!" Science is a tool, and a philosophy for interpreting data. It is based on one's worldview. Atheists begin with materialism and see evidence for evolution, and Bible-believing Christians see evidence that supports Scripture that tells us about our Creator. Going beyond materialism and into human experience on the spiritual level, there are no atheists, only those who suppress the truth (Romans 1:18-23). 

If you've noticed, atheists as a whole are not the ones spearheading disaster relief efforts, building hospitals or schools, or anything else. Sure, individual atheists contribute to science and society, but the heavy lifting is done by Christians. Today is Reformation Day because when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenburg door, the Reformation "officially" started. Actually, it had been in the making for some time before, and continued afterward. Luther promoted public education.

It is interesting that Protestants have more interest in having science in their lives than atheists, and display more logical thinking! Well, that was the case in the past more so than now, because of the secularization and Islamization of various nations. Today, state education systems are indoctrination centers for atheism and evolution, but people are not learning the truth, nor are they learning critical thinking.

Now we come to an article I strongly recommend: "Who’s Got Logical Reasoning? Protestants, Not Atheists".


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