Atheists Have Their Miracles Too

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

Professing atheists tend to look in disdain at Christians for believing in God, the Bible, and (of course) miracles. They argue from their naturalistic presuppositions that the Bible is false, God does not exist, and miracles are impossible, then they proceed to make the assertion that they are the rational ones because they reject the aforementioned. But such a definition of rational is arbitrary and fallacious, presuming that those who believe in miracles are irrational.

The word miracle seems to be a catch-all word that means, "Something good that happened that I can't explain", such as finding my possibles bag by a fence on the back forty. More accurately, miracles ascribe happy events to God. Yes, maybe he did perform a miraculous healing, something the doctors cannot explain, because God does perform them. Too often, however, people don't know what they're talking about. Take a gander at the first few paragraphs of "Does God Do Miracles Today?" by Dr. John MacArthur. For that matter, give the whole thing a read or a listen, it's enlightening.

After that clarification, I'm going to promptly go back to a more informal use of the word. Atheists have their own secular miracles, impossible things they choose to believe in, but deny God. They also lack evidence in the naturalistic realm, but they still believe in them anyway, possibly saying like the Queen to Alice, "Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast". Actually, atheists are more likely to believe in occult phenomena than Christians.

Professing atheists claim to be the rational ones, denigrating Christians for believing in miracles. Yet atheists have their own secular, irrational miracles.

Atheism is irrational and incoherent, and cannot deal with the preconditions of human experience as found in the Bible. Since they suppress the truth in unrighteousness, they believe in some impossible miracles. Strange how they accuse Christians of believing in "magic" when we don't even bring up the subject, but they have their own impossible views that are mighty close to magical.
Atheists often promote themselves as intelligent, logical, scientific, rational, etc. They even had a proposal to call themselves ‘brights’! The aggressive ‘new Atheists’, such as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and company, like to portray those of us who believe in a supernatural Creator as irrational, unscientific, unintelligent, ignorant, or even ‘needing help’ (Dawkins). The entertainment industry often reinforces these perceptions by portraying ‘religious’ people (Christians particularly, and especially church leaders) as buffoons or hillbillies (almost never as a university professor, for example).

Reality runs against these perceptions. Isaac Newton, the greatest scientific mind of all time, was a Christian believer, as were other founders of modern science. Surveys have consistently shown that people with a strong adherence to the Bible’s authority are the least likely to be superstitious, in contrast to the average de facto Atheist. Indeed, one Atheist expressed his chagrin that “some of the most intelligent and well-informed people” he knew were Christians.

There is much more to say. Atheists believe that everything came about by purely material processes—the universe, life, mind, and morality. However, do they have a rational, logical basis for this belief?
I'd be much obliged if you'd read the rest of the article by clicking on "Five Atheist miracles (or materialists believe in magic)".


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